The 24/7 has 8 LED's and several modes. Dim, bright, strobe, SOS, etc. There are 4 white and 4 red LED's. It's powered by one DL123. There's a bezel around the LED's that you rotate to get the different modes. I didn't know there was a new CMG, otherwise I would've hung around the booth longer to check it out.
Any more info on the Glock? Can it be used sans weapon? Their pistols are legendary function wise - a flashlight of similar performance is VERY interesting.
The Glock light can be used without being on the gun. For pics, checkout
As far as Glock quality being legendary, I thought so too, until I read a giant thread today about frame rails snapping off and Glock not fessing up...also at
I was seriously considering a G23 with the new light for a carry gun in the near future too
Any update / pics on the CMG Sonic? Is it like a junior version of the Infinity (smooth barrel, knurled tip)? What color? Inquiring minds want to know . . . .