Input on Diffusers & Lenses for the Titanium N30 & L35

Please choose as many or few as you like - thanks for your input!

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Connecticut Shoreline
We're moving quickly on development of the lense holder and various lenses for the Titanium N30 and L35 HID lights and I was hoping to get some feedback on what the most popular lenses/filters would be.

We know that the diffuser will be the best seller but we're trying to get an idea of where the demand will be on other types. I want to be clear that this poll isn't to help us to determine which to make but rather to help us determine how many of each type to order - we intend to offer all of the types listed.

We were hoping to offer green too but there are a number of technical hurdles which will preclude us from being able to offer it for the time being.

On this poll please as many lense types as you think you would want. You can choose as many or as few as you like.

Thanks in advance for your input!
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estimated cost of each? If they were reasonable enough I would get them all....If they are a lil pricey would only get 1 or 2. Haven't voted yet. I will either be getting the N30 or waiting for the L35, I havent decided if I want to wait till Sept. yet :)
It's hard to say at this point. We're still trying to decide if we'll offer each lense with it's own holder or offer the holder and lenses seperately. Also under consideration is offering the diffuser and holder stand alone then all of the rest of the lenses as a kit or just packing them all as one larger kit.

We want the lenses to be as good of a value as the N30 and L35 are so prices will be extremely reasonable relative to what most companies charge for this sort of thing.

For the sake of the conversation let's say $15-25 per lense.
I'm most interested in diffuser and amber but if there were a package offered at a great price I'd purchase a kit since I'll have 2 lights to use them on.
"Also under consideration is offering the diffuser and holder stand alone then all of the rest of the lenses as a kit..."

This is exactly what I would be looking for. ;)
I would just want a diffuser, as I have no use for various lenses at this point in time.

Thanks for all your hard work Matt!

I just voted for a diffuser lens - that would make a great addition
for my N30.

On a technical note, the light from my 4200K N30 (and presumably
with the L35 as well) seems centered about the high end of the spectrum.
Does the 4200K HID bulb have enough output at the amber/red/IR lower
end of the spectrum to make filters there worthwhile? With each of those
filters, light from the HID bulb that is not passed will be dissipated in the
form of heat - will that be an issue?

Many thanks again for the work that you have done to transition the
AmondoTech product line, and to make the L35 a soon-to-be reality!


Thanks for voting!

with the amber and red I expect that the additional heat will be minor and inconsequential. With the IR it's going to come down to testing and, to make a long story short, by the time we pay for a sample we might as well do a short production run so we're going to make a small amount and then get some spectrographic testing done.

Thanks for your kind words regarding the transition. I must acknowledge that the tremendous help from mtnbkdad has been invaluable to keeping this project alive and that the enthusiasm from this forum for the N30 and L35 was instrumental in convincing me to go ahead with it.

I understand what the Diffuser, Amber, and Red are for. What are the uses for the other colors?
Blue is for detecting blood for game tracking as well as forensics for bio-stains, fluorescein, saliva, protein stains, urine etc.

IR is for use with night vision gear - used by hunters, military, tactical, border patrol, search and rescue, etc
When I buy the L35, I'll want the Diffuser (maybe 2 should I break one in my caving application).
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