Flashlight Enthusiast
Does anyone know of a good pro/con type comparison of the different shapes of indexable carbide inserts, and their applications?
pro/con type comparison
Before you settle on a shape & size, make sure the insert is readily available from a number of manufacturers.
trigon inserts are the hottest thing since sliced bread.
Thanks for the links, the Carbide Depot one was just what I was looking for. :thumbsup:
Looks like the 55 degree diamond is pretty versatile, and the Trigon is a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none. From what I keep hearing from the sales reps though is that trigon inserts are the hottest thing since sliced bread.
Can anyone shed some light on their pushing the trigon shape?
One caution on any negative shape (CNMG, WNMG, TNMG, etc.) is that negative inserts require a machine with more power & more rigidity than the machines in many home shops. Lathes from about 10" swing & up seem to work well, but smaller machines may or may not. Smaller machine users often prefer positive shapes (TPG, TPC, TPGH, etc.)
Will's holder & inserts look to be Seco, which is high end tooling - equal to Iscar, Kenna, Valenite, etc.
No worries - send me the holder and I will modify for free. Total for everything is still $30.
These negative inserts work really well for me on the 8x, so they should work well for you as well