Interest: Fenix E01 with neutral or snow white LED

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Sep 11, 2007
I like almost everything about the Fenix E01: the price, the size, the color choices, the HA finish, the simple interface, the brightness, and the runtime. HOWEVER, I dislike the blue/purple tint and oval hotspot! I would be willing to give up a little bit of brightness or runtime if Fenix sold an E01 with a neutral white or a "snow" white LED with a round hotspot.

Please vote if you would or would not like to see this come to market. I have no affiliation with Fenix.
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A white tint or warm tint would be great in the E01. But I don't know if there are any Nichia (or other 5mm?) LEDs that are warm or even neutral white. I'd vote for lower brightness than lower runtime. I'd even pay a few bucks more for a better tint and round hotspot. Don't get me wrong, I've bought three E01s, and think they are great for what they are, but the purple haze the thing puts out is a little tough to love.
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I've mentioned this a while back, but... I lightly shortened and re-shaped some (ugly-tinted) Nichia GS's and installed them in my trio of Fenix E0's a while back. The tint, beam (smooth, perfectly proportioned spot and spill) and overall improvement in useability/color rendition/"pleasantness" is nothing short of remarkable. Much better than the ETG "Snow" LED's or earlier BS/CS Nichias... as well as some others I tried. Perfect, really (or darn near).

I'm tellin' ya' - the "goods" are 100% sittin' right there - in the GS LED's - if only Nichia would get on the ball, and re-examine their LED's shape/dimensions. Maybe Fenix (David! :) ) could put some pressure on Nichia, and really up the ante in what a 5mm light could be. My guess is the flashlight market represents but a tiny chunk of overall 5mm (white) sales for Nichia, tho - so probably not worth it. Such a shame!! :(
Gimme incan warm please! :paypal:
Or how about COLORED leds :)

+1,000,000 on that, white or warm white and a RED led would be great for low light use, think of the huge market for it, armed forces, LEOs, campers, night fishermen, heck basically everyone.

Instead of waiting, the new Peak Eiger looks promising, its available in cool or warm tint.
Well it's good to know that I'm now not the only one who wouldn't. I would buy a red LED one though.
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