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Just so you know, you really should post more than just a "link" I believe are not allowed to post "just" a link
Boy, I could pick that sucker up in less than 45 minutes from here. But, alas I'm going to exercise restraint. I'm so proud of myself for resisting! I didn't like the feeling of "jelly legs" when I was handling my VSS-1 2.2KW lamp with its 66+ atmospheres of pressure inside. Someone correct me if I'm wrong - 1 atmosphere = 14.7 PSI so 66 x's 14.7 = 970 PSI. I've asked this question before and not got a good answer. Do these lamps really contain this level of pressure?
Although that is without doubt interesting, as a thread it fails in 2 respects: first, it contains just a link and no other explanatory text or comment; and second, it should be in the 'Other Auction Notices' section in the MarketPlace, not here.

I am therefore closing it now.
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