internal cooling for Leds


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 21, 2003
Eastern Pacific, LAX DM03 sw actual

I saw this article about a new device designed to cool parts from within. Sort of a cool idea. (no Pun)
Imagine tossing one of these into a Cree emitter and being able to run the thing at 1250 ma without worry about heat build up.
I am sure these devices use up a fair amount of energy so whether or not the hit to overall efficiency is worth it or not ..well I guess we will see.

I wonder how long it will take to get these built into emitters?
I didn't see anything about their efficiency. If it's similar to the peliter coolers I've used, they're going to use a (comparatively) large amount of current and, of course, dump the heat from that into the heatsink.

But then if say 400mA to a cool LED is brighter than, say, 600mA, then they might well help. Well, when you have room for much of a sink, otherwise the whole thing will just reach a hot equilibrium.

What's the temperature/efficiency curves of LEDs look like these days? I know they were working on flattening it.