Is anyone watching fringe?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2007
the JJ Abrams one. We're only about, maybe 6 or 7 episodes in here, but i HAVE to just say

Dunham is down right annoying. She gets a lead, and rushes to the building, and not BOTHERS to tell anyone, but rather rushing in ON HER OWN, and invariably gets held at gunpoint because she was looking the other way....and theres a scuffle, and the other person gets shot, due to her own sheer luck more than anything. and the authorities come and bail her out. and she WONDERS why the upper powers are on her case for imcompetence.

and the power play between that FBI dude whos saying that they are wasting FBI resources, and Dunham's boss, is almost as corny as Horatio putting on sunglasses and strolling into the sunset, except, i think the team of CSI Miami makes him like that on purpose.

Only saving grace is walter and peter. Walter the lovable, benign, and yet terrifying mad scientist,and peter, just as smart, and even more street smart son.

It started out well, i liked it, but its slowly whirlpooling down into the story of the rash agent who gets lucky all the time.

any thoughts?

Don't worry, it gets better. I don't want to spoil it for you. Although, I do wish Peter had a larger part at times.
I think the show just keeps getting better, though the main character is far too hair trigger for my tastes. If she'd just slow down to think for a sec, I think the show would be much improved.
I still like the show. I find Dunham to be adequate but I'd like to see her keep it together a bit more. I enjot Walter and Peter and the cases they come across keep me interested. I also like the underlying plot and hopefully it goes somewhere cool.
i like it...kind of a modern day is great! my wife hates the show... but she watches it with me anyway because i watch Bones with her (also not a bad one)
LOL...I was watching Fringe a couple of episodes back- when Walter was doing the test on that agent- I freeze framed when he was checking the pupil dialation with what appeared to be a 2 AAA PEAK Fujiyama smooth Stainless Steel with a momentary switch....They show a lot of Flashlight action on Bones too........always trying to figure them out.
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We enjoy Fringe a great deal. Alway's interesting plots, although as mentioned Agent Dunham is irritating at times. Walter's excellently acted
character makes the show IMHO.

On the other hand, Heroes is quickly losing interest for me...
I definitely like the show. One of my favorite along with Lost and Flash Forward and I want to see how "V" is going to be.

What happened to Fringe? I DVR all episodes and I didn't think the season had ended but no new ones have been coming on for 2-3 weeks.
Well good to know that it gets better, I may just continue following it and hopefully, not need to cringe too much at Dunham's getting her self into trouble.

I will say that whether the science is based in actual stuff, or not, its really interesting. And i love how walter is able to make most most banned narcotic substances in his lab for its medicinal use and is completely oblivious to its legal status.

Love bones though, that show never got bad.... :D not to mention many gratuitous shots of many lights!

What happened to Fringe? I DVR all episodes and I didn't think the season had ended but no new ones have been coming on for 2-3 weeks.
Pre-empted by the World Series. It will be back this week if the Yankees win Game 6.

I though Season 1 was OK (the wife loved it), but I haven't cared for Season 2 at all. No idea if this is true, but it feels like the writer(s) most responsible for shaping Season 1 moved on.
Thought I'd dig up this old thread. The show has taken an interesting twist with the new season. I knew Dunham was from the other side but after this weeks' episode I'm beginning to wonder if the Dunham from the other side is a shape shifter....????:thinking:

...kind of a modern day x-files...

Yeah, an X-Files on steroids LOL :crackup:
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Gotta watch "Do shapeshifters dream of electric sheep?", but the dunham-switch is certainly interesting...
Just started watching this season.
Think I'll backtrack via NetFlix.
Fringe has only gotten better and better as they moved away from the 'mystery of the week' format. They still have a theme for each episode but everything ties into the main huge story arc, it's great.

Anyone who ditched it the first season, I highly recommend you watch yourselves up.. Second season was way better, third is on track to be just as good :sssh:
only reason to watch is walter.. still. hah. he has the ability to steal the scene.

dunham. annoying to me still. for same reasons. no team work.. still jumps the gun. it just seems like she has no actual skills of detective or investigator should have. or they only appear when its absolutely needed for plot to move along.. keeping secrets all the time from your teammates: personal and official, health issues all that. just do not like that in the character. and always ready to take stupid risks and still "trusts" the certain shifty characters all blue eyed.. even after they have burned her (or thinks that they has ..and still trusts them)

latest pet peeve. (i think we are behind in show) but still.. they found the alien technology thingy they believed to do that shape thing.. and they didnt test anyone of them who were there for traces of that thingy fear that it couold of been used.. they didnt check the area thru for evidence or bodies. and bad guy gets shot several times and still jumps and runs.. and then suddenly bg ends up dead later miraculously. (why the first bullets had no effect and the second set was supposed to be efective.. how about thinking like a cop for a minute PLEASE.. or even like scientist)

peter showed glimpse of street smarts and ability to be useful asset in beginning and sometimes afterwards too.. but somehow his developement stalled or was too little utilised.

fringe: could watch it. often do, but dont really care if i miss it. it has many building blocks to be good.. cops, science, smart guy that also has survival ability because of his wit and street smarts, bad guys etc all there, they just somehow cant get them to fit like legos :)
IMHO not as good as the X-Files but worth watching Walternate, Repeter and Fauxlivia. Anyone catch the nods to the X Files in last years opener?
For some of the great twisted humor of the X-Files days Super Natural can be worth watching. Recovering X phile here.:p
There are so few decent shows to watch. I count Fringe as one of them. Not the best, but worth watching.

I think it's the best show on TV right now.

The plot is getting very complex....I'm afraid new watchers won't be able to figure out what is going on....and the show will slowly lose viewers, and get canceled.

I have a question: how and WHEN did Leonard Nimoy's character, William Bell, die?

It came up in the second episode this season, and I can't remember what happened to him.
