Is the Sam's Element mod-able?

Sgt. LED

Sep 4, 2007
Chesapeake, Ohio
Can I solder in a new led? If so which will work best? It's stock with a batt carrier for 3 AAA. I just want to try my first mod that involved a simple solder. Thanks


Hopefully these pics help. It looks like an easy job! I just want someone to tell me what to buy and swap out. Maybe it just looks easy though? I got this light quite awhile back and thought why not?
I believe you can put a Seoul or Cree Star in there, but I would try over in the Mod forum to be sure. I know someone has done this light before. I took one apart a while back, and putting a new emitter in is super easy on this one.
I just ordered a Q5 cree on a star hope it fits and works it was like 9.90. If not oh well it's just 9.90. Wish me luck!
This light is very easy to mod but a SSC led is the way to go. The Cree will require you to modify the reflector in order for it to fit. With the SSC, you would only have to solder it in place and you would be good to go.
Cree will be a problem..I suggest a Seoul, I did this to mine and it took me 15 minutes ( counting the time it took my cheap soldering iron to heat-up). Seoul's are direct swap to Luxeon based lights. An while your at it you might want to spiff up the battery holder connections. Mine stopped working after while and I found out the cheap holder connections are press fit and gets loose sometimes. Works like a charm now, very bright.
Already ordered the CREE:crazy:
I was looking at cree for the longer run time really.
Is the cree's star too big, or is it the overall height? Also does anyone know how much material I will have to remove from the reflector? I do have a Dremel if that will work? Could you link me the best place to get the SSC. Maybe I should save the Cree?
Shipping is very slow from these dealers so you could probably just change or add a couple of seouls to your order. I've put the DX Seouls in several luxeon based lights with great results. Not only are the hotspots much brighter but the seouls tend to triple the intensity of the spill beams in the lights I have done.
Already ordered the CREE:crazy:
I was looking at cree for the longer run time really.
Is the cree's star too big, or is it the overall height? Also does anyone know how much material I will have to remove from the reflector? I do have a Dremel if that will work?
Is there a review of this light anywhere? I looked at them yesterday when I went to Sam's. Unfortunately, the wife made me put them back and barred me form going anywhere back near that aisle :whistle:
There are several. Just hit the search function in this forum with Element as the topic. Note that there have been 2 or 3 versions fo the Element. One user noted that the newer Elements are nice and bright. One reported that the bulb caused melting of the reflector.
Is there a review of this light anywhere? I looked at them yesterday when I went to Sam's. Unfortunately, the wife made me put them back and barred me form going anywhere back near that aisle :whistle:

I have the old 1watt version, and its been durable as heck, and thats probably and understatement. My element has survived being my main work light for 3 years now. Its been dropped for as high as 20' several times, dropped from 8' probably over a hundred times. Not much of the original finish left, its been dropped or smashed so often. Its been dropped in old oil, water, even a container of solvent once. The plastic lens is fubar, but still works. I hate the fact that its unregulated and uses AAA batteries, but geez, I cant kill the freakin thing. Full brightness is only for about 45 minutes, then it starts to dim, but gives good working light for about another 2 hours. Beam color is very good, very white with just a tiny yellow tint. Beam pattern has a fairly wide spot, and lots of spill, making for an excellent working beam. I actually use this light over my various Fenix and DX lights because of the beam pattern is perfect for working. Oh, and did I mention I cant kill it?

I freak people out at work with it. I tell them thier minimaglites(old incan type) are CRAP, and they dont believe me. I toss my light in the air 8-10 feet, and let it hit the concrete. Then I tell them to do that with the minimag..... most of them wont do it.

I have a love/hate relationship with my element. I hate the fact that its a cheep luxeon I, I hate the fact that it uses AAA. I love the fact that it always works.

anyway, sorry for the massive ramble lol
Already ordered the CREE:crazy:
I was looking at cree for the longer run time really.
why do You think the runtime will change?
the light will run on the same current, the new led (Cree or Seoul) will be brighter, but no change in runtime at all.

Unfortunately: forget the idea of modding the reflector for Cree - even if it could be made, the resulting beam is crap.

Either get a Seoul (easiest), or
try to fit a Cree reflector into.
There is a very cheap plastic one which was shown in here (see it a cutter's hompage), but the pics show why these are cheap. Better get one of the aluminium McR-XR reflectors from the Sandwich Shoppe, their beam is perfect (but these are way more expensive)
I agree with fixitman, the Sam's Element is one tough light. I get about an hour out of 3AAA Rayovac Hybrid NiMh batteries.


1) The beam is a wonderful mix of both throw and spill, probably one of the best beams of any light I own.
2) $24 for a twin pack.

1) Pitiful runtime - about an hour max.
2) Uses a battery carrier for the 3 AAA batteries

Here's a review on the light:
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I saw a twin pack at my Sam's for $30 and it advertises as a Lux3 on the package. So it should be much better than the Lux1's. I will have to pick up a pack next time I go ... by that general direction of the store :twothumbs
I saw a twin pack at my Sam's for $30 and it advertises as a Lux3 on the package. So it should be much better than the Lux1's. I will have to pick up a pack next time I go ... by that general direction of the store :twothumbs
If it says Lux3 on the package I think this is a different light than the one they are talking about here. If it has a rear clickie, it's a different light. From what I've heard, it's not as good.

I have 3 of the Elements like the one's in this thread. Great light for the money. One sits beside me on the end table where I watch TV. It's a bright, versatile light. I like the pushbutton switch. I have much nicer, more expensive lights, but this one gets regular use. Weird huh? :shrug: