is this a rebadged vector

Yeah, looks like the old Vector "3 million" that was sold at Target and other places.
anyone got any specs on this light -run time-charge time it is on sale here in the UK branded as black & Decker for £50 =approx $80 is this a good price :caution:
I don't know what they go for now, but I paid about $50 during an Xmas sale a couple years ago. I'll get around to the HID mod some day...
Mine was $39 dollars here in the States but that was years ago. Run time isn't much...maybe 45 minutes are so. It's also a bit heavy but not a bad light overall.
thanks for the replies
can you remember how long it takes to charge
there was very little info on the box i can get a cheapo spot light of similar output for less than half the price but those give 15-20 minutes of light and around 20hours to charge
looking for a light with 30 minutes -1hour run time and a can recharge in a few hours
looking for a light with 30 minutes -1hour run time and a can recharge in a few hours

You should just get the Stanley HID 3000 rechargeable spotlight for $70 from Wal-Mart. I own both the Vector and the Stanley, and there is no comparison - the Stanley HID has a tremendous amount more throw and lights up objects way out of the Vector's range. Also, the Vector only puts out around 2000 lumens, whereas the Stanley puts out 3000.

The Stanley HID's runtime is 30 minutes, and it will remain at full brightness the entire time as it is regulated. It easily tops 800 yards in throw.
i would love to get a Stanley HID but i live in the UK and they are not available over here
i cant even find a supplier in Europe to order one from :mad:
you would not believe how poor the offerings are over here wall-mart over here only stock a few cheap lights and the best Costco offer is a maglite 3D-2AA twin pack :sigh:
if you know of a supplier that will post to the UK please point me to them
Just get the SunForce 25 Million Candlepower HID rechargeable spotlight from NorthernTool then. It is significantly more powerful than the Stanley HID (has more throw) and has a 40 minute runtime at full brightness. It is only around $20 more than the Stanley HID. NorthernTool ships overseas.
thanks for the replies
can you remember how long it takes to charge
there was very little info on the box i can get a cheapo spot light of similar output for less than half the price but those give 15-20 minutes of light and around 20hours to charge
looking for a light with 30 minutes -1hour run time and a can recharge in a few hours

The batteries charge in about 4 hours. It has two, in in the head, one in the base, which are wired together. I can see that you're interested in the B&D since it's local and this is a decent light but I think $80 is a bit high. It all depends on what you'll be using it for but it would be worth considering the light at Northern Tool that Bluebeam mentioned. If the shipping isn't too much I think you'll get more light for the money.
is this the beestie
Sunforce 25 Million Candlepower HID Rechargeable Spotlight - Model# 777809
oops link allready up
thanks Barrie
If you don't mind the larger size, the HID is in an entirely different class of performance from the "3 million" Vector. Double the lumens and way more throw.

Just weighed the Vector and it's 3.35 Kg :eek: ........... no lightweight either. Too big to take walking so I'd go for the HID if I were spending the money.