Items for a Bug Out Bag?

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 30, 2007
Cary, NC - Land of the CREE
Hi all,

I don't know if this is the right place to post this but, I have seen a few members mention a Bug Out Bag/Sack. I would like to prepare one also. What would be the essential items to put in one? Also some good extras that people throw in. Thanks.
Bond - I would suggest a fancy wristwatch an exploding cigarettes, failing that here are some threads which should give you a headstart;

(Moderator note: Merged two links provided by Hodsta & closed this thread...:thanks:)

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You'll get tons and tons of advice on which gadgets you need, and then fights within the group saying you don't need, or you do need, or whatever.

Personally I've just carried what I felt I'd need. The kit will morph over time anyway as you get an idea of what works and what doesn't for your particular situation.

Where I work (in Los Angeles), if there's ever a "situation," freeway traffic will probably be so bad that barring holing up in the office, I'd have to walk 30 miles home. So I carry five pairs of socks and good quality athletic shoes in my kit, where most people probably want heavy work or combat boots.

(Well, I have the boots too, but if there isn't excessive broken glass on the ground, say after an earthquake, I'll probably be wearing the running shoes.)
Thanks for the links Hodsta, I merged both those threads - so we can continue there & lock this one down.
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