JET-I PRO I.B.S. questions


Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2007
I'm trying to understand the way Jetbeam's IBS works. Is this correct?....
I can set each mode's brightness level the way I want? IOW, if I want to set each mode on the Jetbeam JET-I PRO I.B.S. so that it's essentially (A) medium; (B) low; (C) high I can do this under the Hidden Menu? Will it remember these settings until I change or reset them? Thank you.
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That's correct, the modes on the IBS system work like station memories on a car radio. You can set any of the three to any possible output type/level, and the light will remember them until you make a change or do a reset.

When the light is turned on, it always starts at Mode A, then when cycling, it goes next to B, then C. So it also remembers the *order* of your presets.
That's correct, the modes on the IBS system work like station memories on a car radio. You can set any of the three to any possible output type/level, and the light will remember them until you make a change or do a reset.
When the light is turned on, it always starts at Mode A, then when cycling, it goes next to B, then C. So it also remembers the *order* of your presets.

Oh man, that is sweet! Well, that just made up my mind as to what my next purchase will be. :thanks: for the reply, StarHalo!

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