Jetbeam rrt 0 1 replacement


Newly Enlightened
Jun 22, 2007
Hey guys I'm mostly lurk but I find myself with a problem that collectively candlpower is well-equipped to help me solve. I've had a jetbeam rrt 01 for many years and carried it every single day. In my opinion it was the greatest light I've ever had. Unfortunately about a year ago it quit on me I was forced to purchase a new one.. the problem is that the new version that you can get now is basically a Chinese knockoff which I'm sure most of you already know and really sucks. I haven't even had it for a year and it's already half broken.

So the help that I would like is navigating through 50 other companies out there and the 12000 different random model names and numbers to locate a suitable replacement for my beloved rt01. I have a couple of requirements the most important one is that the pocket clip needs to be absolutely sturdy and bolted to the case of the flashlight. It also needs to carry the light lens down, and not be longer than 3 in. It goes without saying that I wanted to be bright as heck.. I would also consider the ability to take some type of a rechargeable battery, pretty much mandatory,
The only flashlight shop that is anywhere close to me that I know of is knives down in Troy Illinois, and it's a hundred miles. So I don't really have much opportunity looking anything in person and I have found out the hard way been buying something that looks similar off the internet is a bad idea. So I'm really hoping that some of you guys that have 50 flashlights in their collection can chime in on what model or models might be the best. Thank you very much
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What failed on your new model RRT-01? If you have basic soldering skills you can actually transplant the electronics of your new RRT-01 into your old one.

If you're looking for an entirely different EDC, some suggestions:

(1) Lumintop FW3A - a bit flimsier than a 2012 model RRT-01, but similar in size if you equip it with an 18500 cell (slightly shorter and a little thicker). It's also more powerful... you can get a version with 3x XPL HI that outputs 2800 lumens compared to 500 lumens for the 2012 RRT-01 (though the FW3A cannot sustain that output for long due to heat). Also good 18500 cells are now available with twice the battery capacity of the best cell that can fit in the old RRT-01. Comes with a good clip that is held on via a ring under the tailcap... it's like a bolted on clip in that it cannot fall off.

(2) Zebralight SC64w HI
- thinner and longer than an RRT-01. The light itself is very lightweight, but it fits a larger 18650 battery. Good interface with high output. Output is around 1400 lumens. Quality control is a bit of a mixed bag though with some users reporting rock-solid reliability and others getting duds. Bolted on clip.
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I believer the originals are still available from a shop in Australia but a bit pricey due to shipping.
Don't remember the name but maybe someone will chime in (Jonathan??)_
My original jetbeam is actually physically smaller then the new one that I have now. Believe me if I had the soldering skills I would have attempted to fix on the old one. What failed on the new one seems to be the mag ring because now it flops back and forth and only seems to go up to about half power. If I can actually get an original from some dude in Australia I swear I would buy two or three just to have them.
My original jetbeam is actually physically smaller then the new one that I have now. Believe me if I had the soldering skills I would have attempted to fix on the old one. What failed on the new one seems to be the mag ring because now it flops back and forth and only seems to go up to about half power. If I can actually get an original from some dude in Australia I swear I would buy two or three just to have them.

The 2012 version of the RRT-01 has an all aluminum head. The 2019 version has a wider head and a brass pill, making it larger and heavier than the original version. The 2019 version also has a paper thin battery tube so its probably not any more durable than the earlier version. All 3 versions use basically the same driver, except that the 2019 and 2020 versions have a different current-limiting resistor and are higher output.

For your broken 2019 version:
The ring becoming loose suggests either a failure of the lubricant around the ring or maybe a separation of the 2 halves of the head above and below the ring. If it is a separation of the part, that could cause damage to the driver wires and might result in the low output you experienced.

Failure of the lubricant around the ring alone wouldn't account for a reduction in max output. All the ring does is hold a magnet. The driver inside the light reads the position of the magnet and tells the light what to do. However, if something in the driver also failed that could account for the low output.
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Ok its not like for like and its not as bright, also quite a bit more expensive. As long as you dont loose it or gets stolen, its a buy once cry once. Maybe consider a HDS rotary, its an awesome little light.Some very nice LED options out there, even picking one up used could save a little(they do hold their value well). Only a thought, but it is as tough as old boots.
what model or models might be the best.

for me, the Original 2012 RRT-01 is the best.
send me a PM to discuss repairing your Original 2012 RRT-01,
I have a replacement driver available.

I learned today that the australia supply of Original RRT-01 is sold out.

I agree that buying a used HDS is an option, but be warned that it does not have stepless ramping like the RRT-01. Plus it has a Tailswitch.

I do know of a really good deal on an HDS Rotary with sw45k, PM me for more info if interested.

I prefer the smooth ramping of the RRT-01 and most of all I prefer No Switch Button!

The next best thing, after the Original RRT-01 you have, that can be fixed, might be the FW3a. Available in several different metals. It has visually smooth ramping, not with a dial, but by pressing a tailbutton. It is similar to the Nitecore D10, that maybe you know about.

There is a strong fan base for the Original RRT-01 here… I am one of the cheerleaders. You are in good hands with the people who have been contributing to this thread.. Lets get your light fixed! :)
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