Just finished my KL1-R Seoul build! NICE.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
The mailman dropped off the remaining parts so I got straight to work. Went fairly smooth and about 1/2hr later I had a KL1-R Seoul. Very nice. I must admit I was expecting a little more output but I'm still quite satisfied with it. It blows away the stock setup easily. The WO bin Seoul I got from AW is a little on the cool side but still very white. I'm not quite sure what the KL1 runs at - 500 or 550 mah - so I don't know what the output would be. The only issue is the black plastic spacer ring thats between the reflector and the bezel wall rattles a bit front to back, but thats' a nit pick. Everything is nice and tight. I highly recommend this mod! Quick and crappy webcam pic for ya...

Yup original driver. Just swapped the emitter out and put the reflector in place of the optic. Thats' it.
how did you open up the bezel? did you use heat or just by force?

It looks good with the reflector :) Did you try using the stock optic with the SSC?
No I didn't use the optic since you would have to raise the emitter for it to focus properly.

I just used heat and rubber strap wrenches to open the bezel....
Expecting More output? I think your missing how much light your getting, and your only using the stock driver! Its 100 times better, and any brighter and your run-time would suffer. Congrats on the mod, and Im sure you will realize just how bright it is when you really need the light. Using the KL1-R-S on a one cell body with a rcr123 is a great little pocket rocket, and has been my EDC for over a month now. In a drop ceiling or a dark room this thing does wonders, and using the McGizmo Clicky Tail cap, This thing will light an entire room up with ceiling bounce, enough to read by and walk around.

I had one reflectorized by grnamin and I love it. So all thats needed is to swap the
emitter? I think its an McR20 reflector.
awesome i have been contemplating doing this to mine (i want the TIR though) or just waiting for surefire. Does anyone know the additional distance to focus a cree?
Nah, I can't do beamshots worth a poop. Sorry. Took me forever to get everything just right - lens clean, no dust on the reflector, emitter perfectly centered - but I finally got it perfect, I think!