Just got our new puppy yesterday.


Sep 20, 2003
Planet Earth
We picked up our new puppy yesterday. He just turned 7 weeks old. Man, what a handful. It's been a long time since we raised a child or puppy. The 4 hour ride home was no problem. He was alert, playful and never cried once. Last night was a different story though.
Our 11 year old shih-tzu had a big problem with him at first, but he's warming up. This morning, they were sleeping on the floor together, about 2 feet away from each other. The puppy wants to play, but the old timer doesn't want anything to do with that. I really hope things work out between them. The pics below show him on the drive home and getting comfortable in his new home.


He's a Bernese mountain dog. His name is Max. He was a Christmas present for my wife, so she got to name him.
congrats -- put an ID collar on him.

Yeah, that's coming soon. Also, he's going in right after Christmas to get an RF chip while getting his dew claws removed.

Cute! Hope he settles in nicely. Nice to see him go to a good home.

It's really important to me that they get along. That will be my #1 priority. Our Shih-Tsu has been a very good friend for a very long time and it would break my heart to know I was responsible for hurting him. Max will have a good home here. We have a very large fenced in yard for him to run.

What an adorable puppy!! I can't think of a better X-mas present.

She just loved it. Hopefully this makes up for some of my less than stellar gift ideas in the past 20 years...

great pic with the presents!:grin2:
Has he torn into them yet?

Funny you mention this. I've already went through a whole roll of scotch tape repairing them. Funny thing is, I can't figure out how he's doing it. We keep a very close eye on him. He's very sneeky & fast! It's like he knows when we're not watching...
We also got a new puppy that is now 10 weeks old. He's an Australian Shepard tricolor, similar look to yours. We named him, "Hobbes".
Hopefully this makes up for some of my less than stellar gift ideas in the past 20 years...

Methinks that in about a week as she is mopping up yet another "puddle", Max just might be temporarily added to that list... :whistle: ;) :laughing:
Very nice pup. :)

Hmm.... even if it's for your Mrs, I bet you're going take him for a walk at night more often than her. :whistle:
Bernese are good dogs, but i'd be careful with the Shih Tzu, mainly due to the puppy's size. Having a young 100+ pound dog around with an older, smaller dog may cause some issues. I doubt the Bernese will be aggressive (the breed overall is pretty docile), but the size difference may cause some accidental injuries, etc.

I'd start crate training and housebreaking ASAP. Also, they need a lot of stimulation and excersize. If not, you may find the inside of your house shredded, out of boredom.
Cute !

Photo caption for 2nd image:

" I think i'm gonna' enjoy living here. "

Get a "Kong" chew toy for you dog for X-mas. Dogs love it or your money back. Get the black one.