Just Received my Novatac 120p Pewter (56K Beware)


Apr 26, 2007
I would post in trhe reviews section, but it appears I am not allowed to hehe.

Anyway on to my mini review.

It wasn't a happy start. I couldn't get the light to turn on. So I opened it up to see if there was a plastic tab on the battery or something...nothing. I chuck a fresh cell in, and then try another...nothing. I couldn't see anything in the booklet that I was missing.

I did the multimeter out and take the clicky off the light. It seems to 0 ohms no matter what the button set to.

I get annoyed as I am in the UK and had to wait for it from the US....and I had to pay duty on it....and pay Royal mail for the joy of having to pay Duty. So I wasn't chuffed it wasn't working...especially as its the most expensive EDC type light I have bought.

I press the clicky harder and something seems to heve changed in its feel...so I chuck the Duracell that it came with in....nothing. I try another cell again...WOOHHOO we have light. I guess he dodgy switch drained the Duracell. I toggle the switch a load of times to see if it is consistent......touch wood it seems to be.

I get my chance to actually see what the light is like now at last. Initial impressions.

I love the finish, the Olivey Pewter is nice. I like the morse codey interface. You can go to the mode you like more directly and without having to look too hard at what the current brightness and no twisting (Ala Fenix....I love my Fenixes by the way).

I have set mine to remeber the brightness I used last time and dropped the brightess of secondary.

I hav't used it in the dark yet, but Max isn't far off my P3D (P4 or Q2 I think), but there is more spill which is nice. The overall beam diam is smaller though on the 120P, More shadowing from the deeper bezel. Again I need to check in the dark, but when I put the light on its end in candle mode and spin it, the only visible movment in the beam is the bezel cut outs, there are no visible artifacts rotating and the hot spot doesn't "wobble", My Fenix beams can be seen to turn.

I just need to try them tonight when its dark.

I have also popped a GITD glowring in the groove between the head and tube, and replaces the lens O-Ring with a GITD one (The rubber sole on a pair of my Vans was grippy enough to unstick the threads on the bezel).

A not so happy start....but I hope this is going to be a long and happy relationship :).

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Re: Just Received my Novatac 120p Pewter

If possible, a pic of the finish would be nice, especially with some other lights for contrast. Good luck with your new purchase!
Re: Just Received my Novatac 120p Pewter

I believe his is the finish shown in the photo below (120P on top, Nautilus on bottom):


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