Klarus MI10 very similar to 4Sevens Preon ReVO?

The machining is quite different - the ripples on the shaft and the keyring attachment are not the same. The circuit is different and so is the LED and maybe the reflector.

I guess there's only so many ways to make these.
The emitter is the same.
The groves in the head are the same.
The length is the same.
Diameter is the same.
Keyring attachment is the same.
Reverse polarity protection is the same.
The material is the same.

I don't think this is a coincident.
The emitter is the same.
The groves in the head are the same.
The length is the same.
Diameter is the same.
Keyring attachment is the same.
Reverse polarity protection is the same.
The material is the same.

I don't think this is a coincident.

I can't exactly count threads. Grooves are necessary for any turning.
The Preon does not have the knuckle-grip looking notches along the body. AAA lights have similar sizes, especially diameter.
The keyring attachment is similar in spirit, but then how many ways can you make one? Foam/plastic on reverse polarity is universal, or so I thought.

I might call it "Inspired by" rather than simply copied. Does this company do this often?
On the 14-10-2010 I ordered a REVO S/S R2 and a EO5 R4 from 7777's
on back order.

Then last night I was looking through Going Gear and came across the MI10, saw the video and next thing you know:paypal: DAMN cant help my self.:broke:. It does look like the REVO but I dont care:nana: Can carry all my AAA lights with spare batteries and not be too weighed down because they are so small.

They are quite powerful lights these days and you can see well enough when your eyes adjust to the darkness when on low mode, by the way the MI10 is supposed to get 66 hours out of low mode (probably lithium primary) so I can't wait to test that out :eek:.

I did say to myself recently, self don't buy any more lights because you have a REVO and EO5 coming soon that should calm the addiction, YEA RIGHT!! BUGGER! m u s t n o t l o o k
at a n y m o r e p r e c i o u s !
It mentioned somewhere that klarus were new to the market, but had been making lights for other companies for a while. Now as we know Quark mini's and iTP's smaller range are pretty definately made in the same factory.

The Mi10 looks pretty much exactly like the Revo, and the other versions strongly resemble the iTP SA* range with their two clickys. Coincidence?

That being said, when I see the packaging I can't help but think of Fenix, that's probably just in my head though.
To me, that looks like a Preon ReVO with different machining on the outside and no hidden modes. When he took the head off I was looking for the brass threads on the head. He showed that plus the little rubber reverse polarity donut thing that is on my stainless ReVO. I'm pretty sure that the Klarus MI10 is a variation of the Preon ReVO like the ITP A3 EOS is a variation of the Preon or how the ITP A2 EOS is a variation of the MiNi AA or how the ITP A1 EOS is a variation of the MiNI 123. I'm going to wait for a bit and get the aluminum version of the Klarus and put my SS Preon ReVO on my keyring that I originally bought it for.
(speculation, of course)

#1 Klarus dropped the ball - should've gone straight to a Ti body with XP-G.

#2 ITP should've kept this all in-house and offered us super cheap prices. (ex: 'A' series vs. Quarks)
