Krill or Glo-toob?


Feb 4, 2005
What makes one better than the other? I've seen good reviews on both. I was leaning toward the Krill due to AA batteries (didn't want to add A23 to my stash) but now I hear Glo-toob is supposed to be coming out with an A123 model.
Why would a Glo-toob need to use A123 batteries - do you mean CR123A size batteries?
Nope, not a typo.

The original version Toob uses A23 batteries (alkalines). The new version (yet to be released) will use 123's.
Nope, not a typo.

The original version Toob uses A23 batteries (alkalines). The new version (yet to be released) will use 123's.

Yes - think it was a typo... A123's are 'quite' different cells to CR123A's - I would suspect the new Glo-Toob will be using CR123A (or equivalent).
The Krill isn't much to write home about, and only holds merit if you are REALLY attached to AA batteries. The CR123A Glo-toob will be worth waiting for.
I Have both too, and unless you can still get one of the old Krill lamps with the bright red LED in the top cap, then they are pretty much useless, I found the light on my 360 to be week and hardly useable at all, great for a marker or personal indicator when hiking etc but useable light, its a no no from me. The glo-toob however is definately brighter, useable light for reading, will light up a truck cab, ideal for personal marker and visible at longer distances.

Glo-toob over Krill anyday in my experience.

I have both - definately Glo-toob. The luminescent material on the Krill is quite fragile, it is more cumbersome and is not as bright or as flexible.
My glo-toob switches died.
I've never cared for the UI on the FX. That said, I do think the 123 model is one to look forward too.