Sounds like you have a specific use in mind for the light. The Kroma and U2(A) are 'general' tools. For your forensic work you would probably be best served by a light made for the task.
That said, they are some of the most versatile lights out there. My Kroma is my main camping/bush light. While low in total output by current standards the red levels are great for finding your way around a cabin in the bush at night. The same light, just a twist away, will light your way to the outhouse then back to red to keep from waking up the whole camp. I use either the blue or low while with a diffuser for reading in bed. The U2's low level I find still too bright for a lot of my needs in true dark, think 50+ miles for nearest road, conditions. The U2A has a lower low level and is more usefull - in fact the levesl of the U2A are more widely spaced - making it more usefull to me.
You can not beat a U2A for a general purpose light - Yes for a lot less money you can get a P3D with more output and similar flexibility but it still is not a handy as the U2A. The U2 is no slouch, just with is shorter runtime and closer spaced levels the U2A is really the one to go with. In any event, if buying new, unless you find some NOS you will probably be looking at a U2A.
If you are 'into' lights you will probably end up with both - I have all three and would not part with any of them easily.