KX2 head w/ E1B? runtime/output?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2008
What would the runtime and output be for a KX2 head on a single battery E1B body, both high and low?

The surefire site only shows the data for the KX2 with a dual battery E2E.

It wouldn't be a great combo unless you used a 3.7v rcr123. If you're running primaries then you might as well use the KX1.
Any ideas about what the runtime and output is with both rcr123s and primaries?
I tested my dual stage KX2 on high with an AW RCR123 (750 mAh). Battery was freshly charged. By 2 hours, 7 minutes into the test the KX2 had already fallen out of regulation. I was busy with the kids so I couldn't monitor it very closely. Will try again this week...
It's a beautiful combination and I love it. :) Slap an E-series tailcap on there with the knurling for better grip and you've got the perfect EDC!
