L1D-CE Very Green Tint!

UK Dazzler

Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2006
Hi all,

I recieved my Fenix L1D-CE this morning in the post, as usual the quality of the finish and feel of this flashlight is very good, and the HAIII coating is flawless. I quickly slipped in a energizer e2 lithium AA cell and fired it up. It's has a strange and in my opinion a horrid pissy green colour tint to it and i'm not to sure whether i'm too happy with it. I'm just wondering whether my expectations were too high after seeing some of the beamshots posted here. Is anyone else with one of these in the same boat or do i have a dud light? This is my first Cree LED light. I also have an LOD-CE on the way so at least I can compare tints when it arrives.


UK Dazzler
I have noticed this phenomenon with underdriven Cree P4 WH bin in some mods I have done. When replaced with P4 WC tint has improved dramatically. I have found that WH can be an especially evil green/yellow tint when underdriven. Try it out with 14500 LiIon and see if the tint improves.
Your L0D CE is also a Cree LED. So if its not a match then you may have a faulty one.
Just for grins try different batteries in the L1D CE, try both on the same surface to compare tints. I have both and they are good. I have all three (P1D CE) and they all match in tint. White with just a hint of coolness.
StefanFS said:
I have noticed this phenomenon with underdriven Cree P4 WH bin in some mods I have done. When replaced with P4 WC tint has improved dramatically. I have found that WH can be an especially evil green/yellow tint when underdriven. Try it out with 14500 LiIon and see if the tint improves.

I've tried the 14500 very briefly, and although it was a bit brighter, it still has the green tint. it's even worse when the light is set to low when back on the e2 lithium cell
UK Dazzler wrote: "I recieved my Fenix L1D-CE
It's has a strange and in my opinion a horrid pissy green colour tint to it and i'm not to sure whether i'm too happy with it. I'm just wondering whether my expectations were too high after seeing some of the beamshots posted here. Is anyone else with one of these in the same boat or do i have a dud light? "

My test sample of the Fenix L1D-CE also has a yellow-green tint - most emphasized when on Low - and not noticable on High or Turbo probably simply because the light is so bright.

This is what I got and said -

Fenix L1D-CE vs. Fenix L0D-CE both on Low - alkaline

"The L1D-CE on low shows a much more yellow-green tint than the other Crees P1D-CE, L0D-CE and the Cree mod L1T on thier respective Lows - which all tend toward cool/blue."

However this is compared side-by-side with other pretty cool/blue tinted Crees - which will tend to emphasize the yellow-green tint -

If we look at what I consider a very good tinted Fenix L1T also on Low -

Fenix L1D-CE vs. Fenix L1T - both on Low and alkaline -

The differences and the yellow-green tint of the Fenix L1D-CE just doesn't seem quite as emphasized.

Just as a comment from this beamshot I would say the Cree based Fenix L1D-CE has a very nice, and the better tint.......

So it seems all relative and what one is comparing the beam to.

However I agree with you, on first sight, especially on Low - the Fenix L1D-CE does seem to have a yellow-green tint.

Please see the full review -

Fenix L1D-CE Comparison Review
UnknownVT :wow:Thanks for you in depth description and all you hard work you do for us all!! It seems that the green tint is normal in this light and i should just get used to it. It would still be good to here from other owners to see if this tint is apparent in all L1D-CEs

Best wishes UK D
UK Dazzler wrote: "It seems that the green tint is normal in this light and i should just get used to it. It would still be good to here from other owners to see if this tint is apparent in all L1D-CEs"

often our instincts are right -
reading your post #4 above where you can see the green tint even when using 14500 - seems to me the light may be excessively "green" -
because on 14500 the light just looks kind of blindingly white to me.

I only offered my input because often tints are relative depending on what one is comparing to - in fact I started a thread about this with lots of good input from CPF'ers -

LED Tint

I hope this helps rather than confuses.

Only you can truly be the judge - if it bothers you
then it bothers you
NO matter what anyone else says (and that includes me
just now, im having a hard time which will i order (L1D or L2D)
as i saw this as second time per unknownVT and above poster. i think i go for L2D..
I can't believe I have just sunk to a new low, photographing my torches for tint :-(

I have just taken a few photos, comparing E0, E1, P1, P1D-CE and L2D-CE against a 'daylight balanced' light panel. I think my original P1 is fairly white, it could be slightly cool but not much to write home about.

To my eyes, the P1D-CE is really quite yellow although seems quite white in isolation. The L2D-CE is far less yellow than the P1D but at low drive currents it does seem quite yellow.

I apologise, I only have a tiny digital camera. I kept the white balance on 'daylight' for the course of the photos and have under-exposed where necessary to avoid blowing out the beams too much.

The first image only has the light panel on for reference.

The two multi-level torches are set to low here.

The two multi-level torches are set to high.

Hopefully you can see the level of tint variation on mine and judge your in 'light' of it. Bear in mind that the light panel the torches are on is meant to be truly white.

I hope it helps, but I think I will hang my head in shame for photographing them. Personally, I'm not bothered about tint, as long as they let me see in the dark.

T4R06 wrote: "just now, im having a hard time which will i order (L1D or L2D)
as i saw this as second time per unknownVT and above poster. i think i go for L2D.."

Good choice!

BUT then the L1Dce and L2Dce heads are the same and interchangeable -
so the usual advice of "get BOTH" is much easier -
get which ever you prefer then get the other body when they come into stock -
so you can have your cake and eat it too.....
UnknownVT said:
T4R06 wrote: "just now, im having a hard time which will i order (L1D or L2D)
as i saw this as second time per unknownVT and above poster. i think i go for L2D.."

Good choice!

BUT then the L1Dce and L2Dce heads are the same and interchangeable -
so the usual advice of "get BOTH" is much easier -
get which ever you prefer then get the other body when they come into stock -
so you can have your cake and eat it too.....

i will :)
cdosrun said:
I can't believe I have just sunk to a new low, photographing my torches for tint :-(

I have just taken a few photos, comparing E0, E1, P1, P1D-CE and L2D-CE against a 'daylight balanced' light panel. I think my original P1 is fairly white, it could be slightly cool but not much to write home about.

To my eyes, the P1D-CE is really quite yellow although seems quite white in isolation. The L2D-CE is far less yellow than the P1D but at low drive currents it does seem quite yellow.

I apologise, I only have a tiny digital camera. I kept the white balance on 'daylight' for the course of the photos and have under-exposed where necessary to avoid blowing out the beams too much.

http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w128/cdosrun/PIC_0001.jpg The first image only has the light panel on for reference.

http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w128/cdosrun/PIC_0005.jpg The two multi-level torches are set to low here.

http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w128/cdosrun/PIC_0009.jpg The two multi-level torches are set to high.

Hopefully you can see the level of tint variation on mine and judge your in 'light' of it. Bear in mind that the light panel the torches are on is meant to be truly white.

I hope it helps, but I think I will hang my head in shame for photographing them. Personally, I'm not bothered about tint, as long as they let me see in the dark.


Very nice monument :laughing:
im getting one
I bought a few Cree LEDs a while back from a group buy, and one of them has that yellow/green tint, btu I don't mind it too much. In my opinion I find it actually renders colors in actual use slightly better the rest of all of my Cree LEDs even though it looks the worst on a white wall, so I'm not complaining about it.
2xTrinity said:
I bought a few Cree LEDs a while back from a group buy, and one of them has that yellow/green tint, btu I don't mind it too much. In my opinion I find it actually renders colors in actual use slightly better the rest of all of my Cree LEDs even though it looks the worst on a white wall, so I'm not complaining about it.

I'm glad someone else said it before me, I thought I was going to sound totally off the wall for coming out with that. Much as my P1D-CE is more yellow than my (beautifully white) P1, I prefer the colour rendition, it is much less 'washed out' than with the snow white beam. I suppose it resembles the slightly warmer light of tungsten (albeit with the lower CRI of narrowband emissions).

I got a very good tint , white.

Fenix L1D CE @ 86"


Fenix L1D CE @ 86" Stepped down exposure.

I also thought I got a "greenie" on the 1st impression, but then noticed that I am (was) used to my L1T, which actually is a bit on the blue side.

Alone and with a bit of use, the L1D-CE is quite a nice white with a slight yellow/green.
I am considering returning it to 4sevens but i dont want a refund as I quite like the UI of the light. do you think he would swap it out for a better tinted light for me. My light isn't that much brighter on the 14500 cell that some of you make out which makes me feel that i've go a bad one.
I don't understand this. In UnknownVT's comparison of the L0Dce with the L1Dce, the beams look nearly identical in brightness.

But in UK Dazzler's picture, the L0Dce seems incredibly dim in comparison? :( Was it further from the wall than the others, UK Dazzler?

Also you say only two multi-level torches are set to high, but it looks to me like at least four have multilevels. (L0Dce, L2Dce, L1Dce, P1Dce)

UnknownVT said:
Fenix L0D-CE on High - alkaline

The L0D-CE is a single AAA light and again not surprisingly on High it is not as bright as the L1D-CE's Turbo mode......
UK Dazzler said:

The two multi-level torches are set to high.
BTW, I think the answer to this tint question is which flux bin the LED came from.
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