L1T 2.0 question


Newly Enlightened
Oct 20, 2007
Kaiserslautern and Mainz, Germany

first of all: I am new so: who I am.

My name is Nico, i´m from south-west Germany and 20 years old. I play the guitar and i love snowboarding and scuba diving. For a longer time two things are banning me: Knifes and flashlights. My budget is not that high (student), so for now i've done just little modding things like Mag 2AALED or building in a car lamp in an old military lamp (the dammed reflector has melt:mad:). And....I'm a German...and i had a D in English...I am sorry for misstakes, but they will happen. Correct me if nessescary.

So...my question: I had a Fenix L2Dce, but I sold it, because the many modes where too much. Now i'm looking forward to buy a L1T2.0. My question is: Will there be a Rebel 100 version? When will it be avaleable?

Thank you

Eventually Yes there will be but as of now the Fenix store says it is not in the forseable future... The waiting game says that Fenix will provide what you want in 3 months.
Especially since others are asking for the same thing and fenix keeps their ear to the ground around here!