Learning about modding and customs


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2021
Hi - is there a reference or source that's recommended for newcomers to use to gain a better understanding of the custom/modded flashlight arena?
I read through the WTS ads and have no idea what I'm looking at, and an uncertain on the reliability or intended uses of the complete flashlights or components.

I come from the benchrest arena and there seems to be a lot of similarities with flashlight mods. In precision shooting we look for the most efficient cases, then go to the extremes maximizing everything about the case. Generally the extremes produce small improvements, but they do add up.

Just trying to figure out where to start so I can get a better understanding of what I'm looking at...

Thank you
Hi, and welcome to CPF! If you do a search, you will find some threads, here on CPF, for modifying lights. One in particular that is very outdated but useful, is called "An Introduction to Modifying Lights". When your ready take a look at the various "Custom Flashlight Builders And Modders subforums". to get an idea of what is possible. Good luck with your search, Zandar
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Thank you. My main purpose is to just become familiar with the parts-buzzwords-brands that are described and listed in the WTS Custom Flashlights market place.
Not to question the quality of one's work...but just browsing WTS posts...I'm not sure if what's for sale is a "lifetime ruggedness" flashlight built to withstand the pressures of the deepest ocean, or just a cool toy that is fun and shiny.
I think it boils down to what your really looking for. The Custom Market pretty much covers the whole spectrum of light design from what some call "toys" to the heaviest duty lights you can buy, and are priced accordingly.
One of the resources I've found handy is the Cree website and their data sheets on various LED's...


The charts that have the current and the color temperature and estimated output in lumens is handy for getting an idea of what output you can expect. You may not need this info off the bat, but it's handy to have when you need to connect the dots on certain LED/driver combinations.