LED fatality...Flavio steps in...Read more about it.. + Stupidity Poll

Please be gentle...I can't help it..

  • Hail Flavio!

    Votes: 7 11.1%
  • Oh no, you didn't..

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • I just threw up a little..

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Somebody tackle this guy..

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • Stupidity is up 10%...News at 11

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Has he been neutered? Seriously...

    Votes: 8 12.7%
  • Support the stupid! Buy a light from Flavio

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Ban him! He's making the rest of us look bad

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Sell his fat body and buy EVERYONE on CPF a Flashlight! Pork prices are up..

    Votes: 8 12.7%
  • Makin' LED go POOF after 2 minutes, $30...telling the whole world about it, PRICELESS!

    Votes: 25 39.7%

  • Total voters


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2007
Ok, so I'm apparently too stupid to even start a thread or what I prefer to think, my brainwaves are soo strong that they crashed the CPF server and deleted my brand, spankin' new poll.

So, due to an overwhelming request from at least one person, I'm putting this thread back up again.

Of of the demi gods (DM51) might try to merge the old stuff with the new, but if he can't or it don't come out looking good, please come back in and re vote and repost your stuff if you'd like. Some very clever replies in the first one and in all honesty, I deserve the abuse for my utter stupidity that Flavio now has to fix.

Anyway, on with the ORIGINAL story...


Ok, so I've always wanted a JetBeam. I simply love the way they look and I've had a few. Had you say? Yes, I had but the problem is I'm dumber than a blonde with blue eyes and too damn stupid to figure out how they work so I sold them.

Now, the other day I see Flavio offer a killer deal on the Jet III M R2 and after being reassured by one of CPF's finest that IF needed, he will help me set it to the desired modes, I decide to pull the trigger.

Well, Flavio stepped in and offered to set it for me before he shipped it which he did.

So, today I get my light after tracking the mailman down (Yes, he DID call as instructed but I was asleep and YES, I have him well trained. He has been known to get a flashlight or two from me...)

I rip the box open, drop some parts that I can't find, realize the floor is too dirty to venture down on my knees and proceed to put a regular 18650 in there.

Beautiful light and lo and behold, it IS programmed. Max and moon.
The moon mode is so low I can't see it with the light on in the living room while shining it on the wall. This is too cool.

Now I got to thinkin' (never a good idea). I was gittin' ready to buy some more batteries as I only have a few 18650's and RCR123's and now I had another light that needed the above.
Again, I GOT TO THINKIN' and remembered that I may have a Wolf Eyes that's run on 18650s and sho nuff, there's a whole bunch in there so I cannibalize the light and see that they don't have a top.

Well, no problem, I'm smart as $hit and I can do this. Both ends are flat and my eyesight is...well, not present but I can see well enough to notice that the wolf eyes 2200mAH protected battery has a round indentation on one end. Surely this must mean that this is the positive side...?

Yep, logic dictates I'm right so I cram that one in (I kid, there was no cramming involved..slid in nicely and smoothly...am I the only one that thinks this sounds dirty?), indentation end towards the light.

Hmm, nothing happens. Maybe there's no charge. I turn it around, nothing.
Damn battery. Must be empty.

I get out a green flat top Sony I got with the Wolfhound. Again no markings but hell, one side DOES look different and again, logic dictates that this IS the plus side. I mean, I have a whole lot of life experience and if I've learned anything, it is that nothing beats experience (except stamina someone said...)

I jam it on in there, logical side up and again nothing. Damn these batteries that don't hold a charge. I turn it around and nothing. Oh well, no harm done, I'll put the original battery and go back to playing with my light....

Seriously, do I really need to continue...?

Well, I promised more reading so here goes...START at post #34 (http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/showthread.php?t=230976&page=2)

Anyway, I'm afraid to say this but post comments below and feel free to vote in the poll above...meanwhile, can someone tell me how to tie one of these knots on a thick rope?


By the way, just FYI 'cause there's one in every crowd...this is NOT a sales thread but a tribute to the great service of Flavio and BugOutGear and again, a thanks for fixin' my bad..

Oh, and for those replying, I will reply in kind, or MORE so do NOT take it seriously ('cause I don't) and get mad. It would defeat the purpose of this thread :D
Here are quotes of the posts from the first thread. I can't move the actual posts to this thread because if I did that, they would appear before post #1, which would look strange to say the least :duh2:

Anyway, here they are, in the order they were posted. And George… after all this work you'd better not £%@*!$ this one up, or I'll strangle you… LOL


It's not just a banning. We're all coming over to beat you with our modded, full-size, Maglites. Then, the ones who have Mag623 versions are going to turn on their lights . . . and burn your house down. :nana:

Now, what part of BE GENTLE didn't you understand...?


I'm in with my stock 3D mag!!

oooooo sharp tactical strike bezels!!! :D

I got two Catapults. One for each hand. :whoopin: :twothumbs:twak:

In Titanium...? :D I expect nothing less.. :cool:

Na, regular Al with SS bezel.
If you want Ti I can bring this along.

Well duh, nothing but the best for me and besides, titanium doesn't rust and god knows how long that bezel will be embedded in my skull. Besides, I eat a lot of salt so you know my blood will tear up some metal in a heartbeat. Nah, Ti is the way to go, fer sure.

Please don't bring the strike bezel .... Psst...do NOT click this link! See? You're thinking about it! What the hell did I say? :mad:

C'mon now you've been around awhile I'm sure you can program that Jet M it's simple when the light is off and the head is loose momentarily tap the switch three times then click switch on..wait for it to ramp to the mode you want and turn it off. The output is set to the mode you want on the loose head/general mode, the tightened head/max cannot be changed on the Jet-M so your only dealing with the programming on the general mode (loose head).

That's why I sold mine aw's 18650...I just don't trust myself with dots for 1 end!

LOL George! Er.. did those batts have a little + symbol on one end...? Love the poll :crackup:

oh, YEAH, I clicked on that link!
sure, I'll attach one of those to my 3D, too!

oh, and a couple Stanley 55-122 FUBAR 30" Forcible Entry Tools
while we're at it! :D

..just cause.

Before I vote in the poll, can you post photos of the batteries that caused all this problem?

I have several types of 18650 including those rescued from old laptop batteries and am curious to see the ones you have.

When reading your description my first thought was of D cells which always seemed to have a dent in the middle of the *negative* terminal, but always best to check with a multi-meter.

All this talk of 6/5 cell Maglites.... the best I could do is bring a Monadnock PR-24STS, but that is not very gentle :)

If a battery has no markings, you can use a tester to check the voltage . Go by the red and black wires on the tester. Positive voltage and good. Negative voltage and polarity is reversed. Then mark with a Sharpie for future reference.

Got a 5D mag to bring to the party.:hitit:


Well duh, nothing but the best for me and besides, titanium doesn't rust and god knows how long that bezel will be embedded in my skull. Besides, I eat a lot of salt so you know my blood will tear up some metal in a heartbeat. Nah, Ti is the way to go, fer sure.
Then I will bring my Ti Fireworm F1-nice and heavy, makes big dents:devil:

You b______s completely ignored the "be gentle" part didn't ya...and they say that deep down, everybody's good...:banned:

Then I will bring my Ti Fireworm F1-nice and heavy, makes big dents:devil:

Ooooh, Ti...nothing says "I care" better than a piece of Titanium embedded in the back of your skull...remember boys, I'm a classy guy....OBVIOUSLY!

Thank you sir, may I have another...


If a battery has no markings, you can use a tester to check the voltage . Go by the red and black wires on the tester. Positive voltage and good. Negative voltage and polarity is reversed. Then mark with a Sharpie for future reference.

Got a 5D mag to bring to the party.:hitit:


See? I don't get it. Is this not some crap you could have brought up BEFORE I did this? Noooo, now that you've kinda gotten all the answers from me, you're gonna come in with some fancy schmanzy solutions AND, as if that weren't enough, you're upping it to a 5D! Now, that's just plain old, down south rude I think!

No milk and cookies for you :rant:

Besides, where's your spirit of adventure...testers...sheesh! I laugh at your suggestion sir! I laugh in your face I say...here, just like this! :lolsign:

Now, I bet you didn't see the sign I was holding did ya?

Using a tester! Who the hell does that? It would be like using a key to open the door...makes very little sense to me. That's what the door handle does, the thing below the key hole...sheesh...people!

I'M kinda suprised the reverse polarity (idiot blocker) didn't save you.. Guess it didn't work on an 18650 and only blocks the cr123 head contact.. I'm not about to try it on mine!

Oh and I'm joking about the idiot comment. Kinda...!

What idiot comment? I musta done what my wife did to me during 9 years, tuned it the hell out :)

No, I think idiot IS appropriate but I want to know what the hell happened to my poll and it was such a pretty poll...is it me or did I reverse something on my computer?

Do you see a poll on top or not?

lol you broke the poll too? Youre batting a thousand pal! :poke:

Not trying to be mean guiri so don't take it that way, but this is why some manufacturers don't support flat tops, because it's just too hard to make everything work right that way, and provide RPP.

lol you broke the poll too? Youre batting a thousand pal! :poke:

Damn! I didn't think I turned the Poll upside down too...what the hell? :sigh:

Not trying to be mean guiri so don't take it that way, but this is why some manufacturers don't support flat tops, because it's just too hard to make everything work right that way, and provide RPP.

You're not mean so don't worry, it's not like I didn't invite comments about my ehem, short comings :D

Yeah, I've always wondered about them damn things. If you're gonna do something like that, I would think some OBVIOUS markings should OBVIOUSLY be present so that people that are OBVIOUSLY ignorant or even more OBVIOUS, stupid, could not make a mistake as opposed to using regular batteries which are at least most of the time, designed in some ways to make it OBVIOUS which way it goes.

Now, what was I saying..? :grin2:

Oh yeah, it's not OBVIOUS which way to put the battery in.

Seriously though, are they flat tops for the reason of using more of the space for battery instead of a TOP or what?

George, the "Reverse Engineer"

Up to this day, I inserted only one battery the wrong way in a light, it was the Jet-III-M Ti...

I guess I was lucky and the negative contact surface of the cell didn't touch the positive contact of the light, I clicked it on, it didn't work, I opened it again and saw what I did, but it fired up again with the battery the right way in.

Flat top cells were the reason for my mistake as well. While I use an 18650/2200 button top in the Jet-III-M (it works with the flat top, but I need to use the button top as well), most of my lights have the 2600 mAh flat top. That evening I was checking a few of my cells, a little tired, and all were flat tops. When checking these in a tired state, I hammer in my head "nipples must be at the back". So, I came to this button top, didn't think about it and inserted it with the nipple at the back... :ohgeez:

That's how I deal with Murphy, I do right what everybody else does wrong, but therefore I insert the batteries I've known since my childhood the wrong way! :sick2:

Now, what part of BE GENTLE didn't you understand...?


We'll let you keep your lights . . . Even the ones you haven't destroyed, yet. ;)

Oh, it gets worse guys and I have the pics to prove it too, BUT, I want to wait till I find out where the hell my damn Poll is? That's kinda half the fun here :(

Can someone tell me if YOU see the poll and what browser you're on when you reply. I'm on Firefox 4 beta but it worked fine and all of a sudden was gone. I'm thinkin' someone removed it but removing the poll makes little sense to me. I didn't see anything on there that wasn't right :(

Anyway, stay tuned for picture proof of my stupidity..

As for the light, I spoke to the Saint himself today, Flavio and he didn't think that I had poofed it and I think there's prolly some kind of reset thing but, it's in the mail IF it makes it. I'm not only an idiot, I have $hitty luck too and yes, I think I can prove that too but not with pictures.

odd.. poll disappeared for me, too!

Your poll is definitely gone.

(Dude, just PM one of the moderators; and ask if it was removed.)

Ok, it's official. I poofed the Poll too, well, SOMEONE or SOMETHING did :( (gremlins or sumptin') and I just got a reply from DM51 and he can't see that anyone messed with it. WTF?
I swear I'm cursed.

I could start a new one but don't know how to get the posts back...and I don't think I can merge the two threads so if someone (a mod) CAN do it, please chime in and I'll start a new one and we'll see if the computer gods let us keep that poll.

Hell, while I'm at it, let's have a vote on which poll questions to keep and which ones to add/substitute for. Here are the original contenders...

1. Hail Flavio!
2. Oh no, you didn't..
3. I just threw up a little..
4. Somebody tackle this guy..
5. Stupidity is up 10%...News at 11
6. Has he been neutered? Seriously...
7. Support the stupid! Buy a light from Flavio
8. Ban him! He's making the rest of us look bad
9. Sell his fat body and buy EVERYONE on CPF a Flashlight! Pork prices are up..
10. Makin' LED go POOF after 2 minutes, $30...telling the whole world about it, PRICELESS!

What browsers are you guys on and if ANYONE can see the poll, please chime and and let us know what BROWSER and version you're on.

wow, I cant wait to hear what else you broke! :poke:

and yeah poll is gone. Im using Safari but doesnt look like it matters, its long gone.

Man, you are a good sport about all of this! Poking fun at you has been a good pastime today! lovecpf

wow, I cant wait to hear what else you broke! :poke:

and yeah poll is gone. Im using Safari but doesnt look like it matters, its long gone.

Man, you are a good sport about all of this! Poking fun at you has been a good pastime today! lovecpf

No, no, you don't understand, it's not WHAT ELSE is broken, it's STILL this little issue and it gets worse...yeah, you'll like this. You can REALLY justify calling me an IDIOT then :D

As for taking this well, if you can't laugh at yourself, you shouldn't be laughing at ANYONE ELSE.

Too many people take themselves too damn seriously and this is always a concern for ME when I talk to people. I'm afraid I'm gonna ****'em off 'cause I do stuff like this a lot and people take it seriously :(

Pissed a waitress off the other day and almost got into a fight with a dude at Pizza Hut a few days ago but that wasn't really my fault.

Yes, I'd be happy to tell you guys if anyone's interested but I guess I should start a new thread about it. You know, something like, More stupid stuff that guiri did or something...

For now, can a mod chime in and let me know how to proceed. I'd hate to lose the responses and votes I already have. I know in MY forum, I can merge threads and I'm sure they can do it too so I could just start one and have a mod merge it so we get the responses. This has been a perky little thread...yessir :D

I looked for your poll, but I can't see what happened. No member of staff has deleted it, or the log would show that. Nothing I can do, I'm afraid...

BTW, I voted for #10, lol


So, if I do a new one, can you pimp it and merge these so we don't lose the ones that have already posted 'cause they were cool replies?

If so, let me know and if you reply fast enough, I'll do it in a few mins and not, I'll do it after I come back. Gonna go and put some hurtin' on some flounder in a few minutes.

Also, I'm gonna go and tease my local cops. Got the TK40, the G4, the TA21, the Wolf Eyes Storm R2 and also got the SR91.

Now if I can only find my Quark Ti AA with the 14500 battery, I'd be really set :)

I don't think that can be done. If you posted a new thread, it would be time-stamped now, so the replies would appear before the OP if I moved them there, which would obviously be a nonsense and would probably cancel the new poll.

Tell you what DM, let's do a test over on the testing area. I'll put a thread in WITH a poll and another one without and let's see if you can merge the one without (which I will start first) INTO the one with the poll?

Mind you, the puter might know in this case that there WAS a poll but that say, the program pulled it for whatever reason and then when it merges with the new one like you said, it takes it away but who knows. I'll give it a shot if you want to.

Ok, it's official. I poofed the Poll too, well, SOMEONE or SOMETHING did :( (gremlins or sumptin') and I just got a reply from DM51 and he can't see that anyone messed with it. WTF?
I swear I'm cursed.

Dude! Log off before you break all of CPF with your bad luck!

You destroyed your own poll in a way that not even the CPF staff can figure out. :thinking:

Go out, get you a bunny, carry it with you 24/7. Cause I don't think one rabbit's foot is going to be enough. You're going to need all 4 of them, and the rest of the bunny.

(I seriously hope you didn't argure with that waitress BEFORE she brought out your food. Otherwise, let's hope the worst thing that she did was just to spit in your food. Dude, never argue with a food server. :shakehead)

Nah, I didn't argue with her at all :)

I'm going to this bunny farm we have out here, let's see if that helps.

DM51, I've got'em up now if you want to give it a shot..http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=31


OK I've done it. The posts appear in chronological order, as per time stamp and as expected.

Ok, it's official. I poofed the Poll too, well, SOMEONE or SOMETHING did :( (gremlins or sumptin')
Probably the chip weevils that also ate the LED in your light :D

OK I've done it. The posts appear in chronological order, as per time stamp and as expected.

Okie dokie sir. I'll start a new one and I'll let you know and you can merge at your leisure and NO, I'm not paying $5 twice!

Probably the chip weevils that also ate the LED in your light :D
Are you saying that somehow my weevils got from me, to my computer to CPF's servers?

Damn! Don't suppose they'll ban me for that do ya? :confused:

I swear I was offline when I posted that thread... :whistle:


quiri .......

Stop being as smart as a box of rocks ......

Get yourself a Digital Multi Meter !


I've got one and it's even a fluke, I just didn't CHECK any of this before I put it in AND, it gets worse, I doo dooed a lot more up but you'll have to read about it in the NEW thread WITH the polls 'cause for some reason, I lost my doggone poll :(
Last edited by a moderator:

I voted for neutering !

This proves you should NEVER consider doing you own electrical work !

Hire an Electrician .

I was married for nine years. I'm already neutered!

Yep, like the high voltage stuff I attempted?


Was a spankin' thread till the weevils ate my poll. Let's see if we can get it back there again... :naughty:

I'm off to bed SOON. Gotta take some pics tomorrow so I hope to be able to crash some other electronic device. IF I do yall'll be (love the way I spell that) the first ones to find out.

God knows we don't want you guys running out of stuff to harass me about...

You have no idea...when I tell people about it, they think I'm making it up. You know, kinda how people tend to exaggerate things..they assume I do the same.

My luck's so $hitty, even one of my LAWYERS once suggested I take that into consideration when making a decision and NO, that's not a joke :D

Ordered a custom computer a little over a year ago from a builder in NJ (I'm in NC) and told him, BEFORE he started...by the way, you're gonna have problems with this build.

Why he says..'cause it's for me and I've got really crummy luck I said.

Don't worry he says, not this time, I'm building it.

Doesn't matter I say, it's for ME. Of course, he didn't believe me and I'm sure like everyone else, he was thinking, this guy's got a screw loose (which in itself was a correct assessment...)

A month later he called me up and was almost ready to throw the computer out the window. He said he had NEVER had so many problems with a build as he had with mine.

Well, NINE months after I ordered it, it was delivered. ONLY after UPS trashing it and refusing to pay for it and only did so after I got my lawyer involved.
Anyway, that's just ONE story and yes, this IS normal for me :p
I kinda figgered that's what you were going to say and if not you, definitely someone else :)
Look on the bright side . . . At least you have one person you can count on in your Life not to lie to you . . . There's nothing in it for me if I do. ;)

Off to bed for me, have to be up early.
I'm surprised you're still up. I even looked to see if you were in Cali but to my surprise, EST, just like me.

As for lying, I'd take her advice way AFTER someone elses. Not because of the church thing but something else. I'll be happy to tell the story some time. Hypocrite is the word I think.

Nite. I'm hoping to be in la la land soon too..

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