LED Maglite deal (Updated, with pictures!!)

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Jun 19, 2007
Huntsville, AL
Went shopping at Walmart tonight (Tuscaloosa, AL) and saw that they had once again reduced the price on the LED 2AA and 2D 3 watt maglites. The 2AA is now red tagged at $15 and the 2D is now at $20. They only had two of the 2D's left, but they must have had over 50 or the 2AA's. Grab them while you can.

Update: see post #21 for download info
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Re: LED Maglite deal

Thanks for the tip, Marduke --

Just checked a few hours ago at MY local Wal-Mart,
and the 2AA model is still "Red Tag Sale Price" at $19.00.

Your price of $15 sounds like a GREAT deal !

Gee, i suddenly feel Cheated ! :mecry:

(guess Mag is clearing out the OLD stock, to make room for their new CREE models !)

(wink) :naughty:
Re: LED Maglite deal

By the way, the red tag seems to indicate that the price was effective as of 6-20-07. Made me feel cheated that I had just bought a 2D one at a "red tag sale of $25" just a few days prior... :mecry:
Re: LED Maglite deal

If the price went down since you bought it you can go back and get the marked down price simply by returning it and buying it right back at the customer service desk. I believe most retailers will do this for customers if an item is bought then goes on sale shortly after. Good Luck!
Re: LED Maglite deal

I picked up a 2AA LED MAG at Wally-World in Smithfield, NC a couple days ago for $10. About what they are worth IMHO. A solid well made flashlight but nothing really to write home about.

Re: LED Maglite deal

When I was pricing Mags last week the 3D and 4D were around $19-20 with the standard bulb and the 3D LED was $34, yet they sell they Mag LED instert for less than $6. Maybe people weren't buying the $34 model so they had to discount it?
Re: LED Maglite deal

The MAG replacement LED module for 2D - 4D flashlights is about $18 - 20. It puts out a very good amount of light although there are heat dissipation issues caused by the design of the original MAG flashlight. There are cheap LED modules (e.g. the NiteIze unit) however... you don't get what you don't pay for.

Re: LED Maglite deal

Just grabbed a 2D for $25 in state college, PA, im gonna watch this week though to see if it drops to 20, won't even open the package until then. Oh, and they had about 20 pewter 2D's in stock (my favorite color, and the replacement of my stolen one). Maybe i'll just grab 2 if they hit $20.
Re: LED Maglite deal

Next time I go to Walmart I'll try and remember to take my camera and take a picture of the red tag. If you print it out, you should be able to go to any Walmart with it and have them do a competitors price match. Some other stores will also match prices with such proof.
Re: LED Maglite deal

Yea do that, then we all can get that deal..

I called every walmart and only one store had them at $19.00, $15 would be awesome :twothumbs
Re: LED Maglite deal

Same here. $19 for MIniMag 3AA 3W.

the price tag read incorrectly at $25 or so.

Had to inquire to get the price.

Didn't ask about the D models.

I didn't buy anything, not worth it to me, plus the 3AA model is better in everywhere anyway.
Re: LED Maglite deal

I went to my Wal-Mart in Eau Claire, WI and they had the 2AA minimag LED marked as Clearanced Priced at $14.00. I would've jumped right on it if I hadn't already bought one, and then taken it back because I decided I liked my River Rock 2AAA better because of its much wider spill, much shorter tube length, momentary tail switch, and $9.99 price tag better.
Re: LED Maglite deal

The 2D led mag was 25 at my store. It was behind a normal 2D mag and the package was all busted up. And all the AA minimag led's were 19.
Re: LED Maglite deal

Hang onto your wallets for a while longer. :popcorn: I promise the next trip to WalMart I make will be with my digital camera, so you can all share in deal glory.
Re: LED Maglite deal

About a month ago, at Wal*Mart, I bought the last 4 gray 2AA Minimag LEDs for $10 each. :eek:

Seemed like a price I couldn't resist. :faint:
Re: LED Maglite deal

About a month ago, at Wal*Mart, I bought the last 4 gray 2AA Minimag LEDs for $10 each. :eek:

Seemed like a price I couldn't resist. :faint:

Holy cow .. $10 is an awesome price. I wished I could have gotten in on that deal.
Re: LED Maglite deal

Wow !

Can't wait until MY Wal-Mart drops 'em to Ten Bucks !

Guess that oughta' answer my earlier question,
asking if the Mini-Mag LED models are selling well.


Thank you to everyone for sharing this info here.

Knowledge is power. :wave:
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