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Light Engine + McGizmo compatability question.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 12, 2008
Long time listener, first time caller. :) I'm about to take the plunge into high(er) ended customs via B/S/T, as I have some "need" for one of the 365nm Nichia engines that have been put together recently.

Now, I think I'm a bit confused between what fits in a Ti-PD Mule and what fits in something like a McLuxIII-Ti-PD-s. For reference, the image below is what I would need to fit inside whatever light I end up purchasing. The seller of a mule I have been considering was nice enough to give me a heads up that the LE for a mule ends up being a converter board alongside a metal core pcb versus a standard screw in LE which I believe is what fits in to a McLux III.

Example LE: What McGizmo light would I need to pick up to utilize this LE?


At any rate, thanks for your time. I appreciate it. There are several things I have gleaned by reading the FAQs about the lights and what can do what and how it can do it, but I figured it was worth a post before dropping four to six hundred on something that I might not be able to use as intended. :)
Is the "Aleph" something that is generally stated in the nomeclature of the lights in B/S/T? (I know that's a bit subjective, but I'm hoping to find a trend) I'm noting that the majority of the newer McGizmo lights don't seem to explicitly state it, but I could be overlooking things. I'd like to think that I want one of the PD lights in Ti, preferably a mule since I'm looking for a flood, but if a mule doesn't take that sort of LE, I'd have to figure out the best host for it.


Heh, all of this for a light to cure norland and for counterfeit detection at ComiCon. :) Fun! Again, thanks for bearing with the questions. It's appreciated.
None of the PD's accept threaded light engines. The one light I have offered that will accept the LE you have pictured there is the Aleph McMule which is a clickie pack and E-series Mule head both done in nickle plated aluminum.
From The Man™ himself. :) Okay, good to know. That gives me a certain something specific to look for in B/S/T.

Are the newer mules and McLux series generally not modifiable in a straightforward (drop in/screw in) fashion? Mind you, they're absolutely beautiful lights, but I tend to tinker which is why I ask.

Thanks again.


Edit: Just found THIS, which I somehow never found by searching. Go figure. It answers some of my questions. I'll throw some PMs around and see if someone can get that nichia LED into a mule head. Thanks for bearing with the questions.
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Teego, this is what you need. I think Don is too modest to point directly to his own sales thread. :)

I believe these come with a mineral glass window which you will have to remove to get the most efficient UV transmission. You can also try to find a sapphire window which will give you 80-85% transmission.

Actually, if you would like a Ti body, I believe it will also fit in a sundrop host. Though I am not positive on that.
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Thanks everyone for your various inputs. I appreciate the insight.

So, I ended up buying this lovely Ti-PD Mule, mostly because I wanted a Mule and figured I could shape it to any additional needs I might have.

RT, thanks for the heads up on the McClickie Mule sales thread. That would well indeed host exactly what I was looking at, and would keep me from modding the mule directly.

I am curious however, if something like this is compatable with my new PD mule. (This may well need to go on the Sandwich Shoppe subforum, but it's about McGizmo parts, so I'm torn...)

I figure picking up a second head (aleph mule), using it for just the UV LE, then being able to switch back to the standard mule head might well be in order. I'm just not sure if something like this is viable or even recommended.

Any which way, I'm stoked on the new light, even without having it yet. :)


Edit: Darkzero just answered my question via PM. Looks like I have me a fancy Mule to play with. I'll build up another light to host the Nichia UV LE. :)
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Thanks everyone for your various inputs. I appreciate the insight.

So, I ended up buying this lovely Ti-PD Mule, mostly because I wanted a Mule and figured I could shape it to any additional needs I might have.

RT, thanks for the heads up on the McClickie Mule sales thread. That would well indeed host exactly what I was looking at, and would keep me from modding the mule directly.

I am curious however, if something like this is compatable with my new PD mule. (This may well need to go on the Sandwich Shoppe subforum, but it's about McGizmo parts, so I'm torn...)

I figure picking up a second head (aleph mule), using it for just the UV LE, then being able to switch back to the standard mule head might well be in order. I'm just not sure if something like this is viable or even recommended.

Any which way, I'm stoked on the new light, even without having it yet. :)


The PD mule was a nice buy, congratulations! I am big fan of the McGizmo PD design. But I hope you were aware from posts here that the PD mule is not compatible with the threaded LE that you have...

Your threaded LE is compatible with the Aleph series of lights, which consists of an Aleph compatible head and the McClickie body (not the PD body and head). RocketTomato already gave you the link on where to buy a compatible head and body for your LE. I will post it again below.


If you want a Ti McClickie body, you can find one here:


but you will need a compatible head, which is the one you referenced at the Sandwich Shoppe.

Again, the threaded LE (like the one you have) is not compatible with the PD mule or PD anything. You will need an Aleph head and body for your LE.
The PD mule was a nice buy, congratulations! I am big fan of the McGizmo PD design. But I hope you were aware from posts here that the PD mule is not compatible with the threaded LE that you have...

Your threaded LE is compatible with the Aleph series of lights, which consists of an Aleph compatible head and the McClickie body (not the PD body and head). RocketTomato already gave you the link on where to buy a compatible head and body for your LE. I will post it again below.


If you want a Ti McClickie body, you can find one here:


but you will need a compatible head, which is the one you referenced at the Sandwich Shoppe.

Again, the threaded LE (like the one you have) is not compatible with the PD mule or PD anything. You will need an Aleph head and body for your LE.

That's more or less what I figured (the non compatibility), but it was one of those things where it LOOKED close enough to pose the question. :)

I'm stoked to have a Mule. If I could (easily) mod it, that'd be a bonus, but it's a great light in and of itself. Changes may come in the future as they're appropriate, but for now my questions about that LE and it's compatibility have been perfectly answered. Thanks so much for all of the input and links.
Also, I didn't see this mentioned yet about the incompatibility: the Mule head you referenced has female threads while the PD Mule you purchased has male threads.