Light of a lighter


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 26, 2004
I was at my parents house the other weekend and had a problem sleeping and a bit sore, so I took a few smokes on their porch. It was dark out, but somewhat warm and when I turned on the porch ight I had quite a few flying insects around me. I decided to not do it and just remember the layout of the porch and count the steps from the door to the rail. As I went to light up, I was rather shocked at the light my bic lighter put out.

Just something to think about.....
Now that's what I call QUALITY Dark - when all you need is a little lighter /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I was rather shocked at the amount of light. I think it would of given my dorcy single aaa light a run for its money.

Makes me wonder if anyone has tried making a flame or candle light? I know they have or had oil lamps, carbide lights, etc, but maybe that leds and filiment bulbs are over kill and a simple flame and some lenses and a reflector would do well?
Sorry to get a little off-topic here but cobb's thread just goes to show that low to medium output lights are the MOST handy. They are the best for most lighting tasks.

Most folks here are desk jockeys and shine their lights at walls and such. Most here are also from big cities where city lighting is SO bright most of the time that it's blinding even without a light! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

If the lights do go out, or you are camping or live in an extremely rural area, (as I do), it's truly amazing how bright a decent light with a moderate hotspot and some sidespill is!

Hell, even a ringy mag is bright enough for most circumstances and that's why mag has sold millions of them. Everyone here thinks if mag would just come out with a powerful LED light, it would sell by the millions. Not so!

We here at CPF are part of a tiny, tiny, (read; "MICROSCOPIC"!), minority of folks that love high powered LED lights and I'm one of you.

I will say without hesitation that a good LED light is better than ANY ringy incan like a mag. High powered lights with fabulous throw have their place but not in everyday circumstances. Low to medium output lights with great runtime are what you'll reach for.

Anybody have a book of matches? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Agreed. In total darkness any light is better than none, but in an office or shop, I need extra light to see and in some cases lots of it. When my power fails I real for the lightatastic light sticks and older led light technology. My dorcy was too bright to use indoors without blinding myself and giving it away to my neighbors that I had a flashlight and was shining it around to look for something.
Incan and led lights are generally less of a safety hazard than candles and other flame-making devices, for obvious reasons.

That said, big glass-jar candles are $1.39 at the local grocery store and have something like a week of nonstop "runtime". I always keep a few handy for power failures and whatever.

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