Lightforce 240 50w HID??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2007
The 11th Dimension
In aus we only have the 35w system, (advertised as 1lux @ 1.4km) but id love to get some 50w from the states. (which are rated at 1lux @ 1.2k):thinking:

is this another numbers game like cheap automotive hid kits or is 50w (50w Output)

Lightforce seems genuine, but they don't list lumen numbers.

any thoughts on the lightforce 240 50w HID? Any owners?

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The problem is, 35W HID systems are from the original manufacturer so they're pretty much guaranteed to be good quality. If you want a 50W/55W system you have to buy HID Kits which are cheap. You could get good ones, or they might suck. Plus most of the time the bulbs are 35W being overrun so you're looking at reduced life. Lastly, they're probably illegal. Anyways, I hope you're using a projector and not a reflector type headlight. It could be worth it to give it a shot, you could check out as there are people running 50W setups.
Most, if not all of the import HID kits are rated at power "input" levels, not output. Subtract about 15% to get output figures. It could be that Lightforce gives its ratings based on power OUTPUT, not input.