LiIon charger for long cells


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Perhaps this may have been covered here but I am looking for a good reliable safe charger for LiIon cells ranging from 16340 to the new long 21700 that are 75mm long.....and can handle the width of the "C" and "D" cells as well.

Any suggestions please
Wow....this is a neat list of chargers.

Ok, so now, experiences on any of these from anyone?

Are there good ones, bad ones.....

I have been using the Nitecore intellicharger new i4 for what seems just does not accommodate the 75mm long cells.

This is like the bible of chargers :)
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Thanks to HKJ and a good look around in the data, Just purchased a Nitecore UM4. This will replace my Nitecore new i4.

I am sure this will last me another ten years and will deal with my new 21700 cells....

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