List of cheap online stores


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy
Note to the mods: I've posted here rather than in the dealer's corner because I intend this to be for other products too, not just flashlights, so it seemed more at home here. But if I'm wrong, please just move the thread over to the dealer's corner.

I've fallen in love with dealextreme. I've ordered a crapload of stuff from them that would have cost me a lot more had I shopped elsewhere.
That got me thinking: there have to be more sites like dealextreme, with stuff from china (and thereabouts) for ludicrously low prices and worldwide shipping.
What say we build a list of them? Just post the site you've found and the kind of articles it sells.
Please avoid flashlight-only sites: they can already be found in the dealer's corner.

I'll start:

DealExtreme: various gadgets. Lights, RC toys, USB devices, batteries and more. Some items very original, most (all?) made in China. Very low prices. They seem to have a thing for pigs :p

MP4Nation: chinese mp3/mp4 players of various kinds, including clones of iPod Nanos and Shuffles, and the known Meizu series. Guaranteed no-hack memory, very interesting prices. Note I haven't bought anything from them... yet.
Fallingwater said:
DealExtreme: various gadgets. Lights, RC toys, USB devices, batteries and more. Some items very original, most (all?) made in China. Very low prices. They seem to have a thing for pigs :p
Don't be dissin pigs. :whoopin: :nana:

My uncle is a wannabe pig farmer and has quite the collection of pig related figures. I like the oinking blue led piggy light I picked up for him a couple of years ago.

A couple of years ago I saw a shop while in China that had Precious Moment's styled figurines that were anthropomorphic pigs in some quite ribald situations. I was afraid Custom's would have issues with them so I didn't bring back any.
nerdgineer said:
Dealextreme's twin brother is its' competitor Kaidomain.
Thanks, didn't know about that one. They are almost identical... although there are a few items one has that the other doesn't.

I've subscribed to steepandcheap since it seems a nice idea, but I haven't found any details on shipping.

Keep the links coming ;)
Fallingwater said:
MP4Nation: chinese mp3/mp4 players of various kinds, including clones of iPod Nanos and Shuffles, and the known Meizu series. Guaranteed no-hack memory, very interesting prices. Note I haven't bought anything from them... yet.

Be wary. Anyways, believe it or not. I just bought the Meizu M6 in the U.S.A. at a very large retailer for cheaper ($40 cheaper in fact!) than any of these wholesale discount (so-called) MP4 shops in China (HK included)!.
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