Newly Enlightened
Does Loctite go bad after awhile?
Henkel, makers of LocTite, says one year. I know some of mine is older than dirt & still works, but it gets thicker over time.
At one shop I worked we stored all of our loctite in the refrigerator. Don't know if it helped or not.
I have 20+ YO locktite that is still good
Back when, there was no expiration date on loctite. Sometime in the 1980s (don't remember the exact year), the Military insisted that ALL chemicals be marked with an expiration date. Loctite came in to talk to us at the plant I worked at and explained "No, the stuff stays good as long as it's liquid, but the Mil insists that we put an expiration date on it". The company had 2 months to use/dispose of all non expiration dated loctite, so they basically said "take it home" - I got a 1/2 pint or so bottle of "blue" - still using it
I have a bottle of the red stuff (requires dynamite to separate). It is at least 20 years old and has had a hard life in the garage getting real hot in the summer. Still works well.
Just don't squeeze the air out of the bottle or tube! It is an anaerobic compound... the absence of air causes it to set up.