Looking for AL for heat sink


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 24, 2006
I priced out $4.25 in aluminum slugs 32mm round, 5mm thick heat sinks for a headlight mod I'm doing, and shippping was over $10!

anybody know where I can get specific sizes in copper or AL for less?

i bought 26" of 1 1/2" 6061 at a local metal outfit for 25$ out the door.... i could have haggled but I'm still using it several months later.

All good suggestions. Who'da thought to look for something local? And McM-carr? I tried the hardware stores, but nothing yet. I will google map a metal shop.

Thanks guys!
Out here we have a company called industrial metal supply (IMS) which supplys mostly large sizes but uses leftovers to machine smaller sized stock, price is good and selection is good.

By paying per lb. you can get a lot of material cheap. If you can get a length of 32mm rod and cut it down.
If you have a drill press, then a bi-metal hole saw without the pilot bit works. Note the outside edges will be rough and need filing, the disc will be 3-4mm smaller than the diameter of the hole saw.
How many do you need?
I think I have a friend that works at a machine shop.;)
Seriously though, I have plenty of scrap aluminum round stock at the shop. If you just need something as simple as 32mm dia. x 5mm disks, I can cut some for you on the lathe Sunday. If you need something more specific, shoot me a pm with the details.
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