I am in the process of building a ROP from a 4D m@g with 6 sub-c NiMH batteries and need to find a good charger for these. I also will probably make a 2D version (ROP or maybe P7 led) with a 6aa>2d pack.
Should I get one charger that can do both of am I better off getting a separate charger for both. I assume I can charge the 6 sub c's with a pack charger?
It seems anything that can charge c/d sized batteries gets fairly pricey. I have found a Maha C808 (can't remember the exact model) but that is $AU170
Should I look at one that can do LiON also? :duck:
I am in the process of building a ROP from a 4D m@g with 6 sub-c NiMH batteries and need to find a good charger for these. I also will probably make a 2D version (ROP or maybe P7 led) with a 6aa>2d pack.
Should I get one charger that can do both of am I better off getting a separate charger for both. I assume I can charge the 6 sub c's with a pack charger?
It seems anything that can charge c/d sized batteries gets fairly pricey. I have found a Maha C808 (can't remember the exact model) but that is $AU170
Should I look at one that can do LiON also? :duck: