looking for my first pistol


Feb 3, 2005
I have been fond of shooting for years, but I have always used my dad's guns. We have a M1 garand, a baretta 96f, a old .22, and a semi auto shotgun that he got from his dad.
I would like to get one of my own now and I not really sure where to start. I was thinking of getting a 9mm because of the price of ammo. I did shoot a glock 26 a while several years ago and did not like it because it was too small for my hands, every shot felt like it was going to pop out of my hands. So I would probably want a larger one than that, which would rule out a small pistol for CCW.
My reason for this gun would just be for fun. I live in a pretty safe area, and I don't feel the need to conceal a weapon where ever I go, although it would be nice if I could put it in a bag when I hiking in the mountains. I know that I can get CCW permits pretty easil here in Utah where I go to school. My birthday is coming up in a few months and I was thinking of asking my dad for a pistol, so price is an issue. I would not like to spend much more than $300 on it, but if that is not reasonable than I could consider spending more. I would not care if it was used. I would probably only use it a couple of times a month when I find time to go to a range. That is part of the reason why I do not want to spend tons of money on it.

some of the guns that I have looked at are the
glock 17 and 19 - I like it but it seems to be a little bit above my price range.
springfield xd = might be a little too small for my hands, but I have not shot one, and they might have larger sizes than the ones I saw on the internet.
There are a couple other guns from reputable companies but they all seem to cost $400+ even when used.
Which brings me to a problem of what about the cheaper companies like kel tec and CZ, and possibly taurus. They seem to be a little cheaper, but is the qualitly so bad that it is not worth it? Is it like buying from DX?

I have also mainly focused on semi-auto and have not really looked at revolvers. Would a revolver be a better choice for me? I have heard that they can be more reliable, but are they cheaper? For some reason I have never been attracted to revolvers, but maybe I can change.

So what do you think I should do? Any suggestions on what to look at would be nice.
Once again thanks.
CZ makes excellant pistols, the CZ75 is one of the all time great designs. If I was to buy another CCW pistol it would likely be the CZ RAMI. I am also considering a CZ82 to match caliber with another pistol I own. I also happen to carry a KelTec PT3AT every single day.

I am one of those who believe that a first time handgun owner should start with a revolver, so I would not rule them out automatically. The Ruger 3" SP101 .357 magnum is an excellant all around revolver that I carry woods bumming and in an IWB holster for CCW. It is one of my top 3 handguns I own, perhaps number one overall for all purposes, if I could only have one.
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CZ if fine, as is Kel-Tec. Some Taurus are pretty decent. I think for a first handgun you might look at owning a Ruger wheelgun, they last forever.

I have found that revolvers usually give you more gun for the money and are usually more accurate in a beginner's hands. Easier to clean and maintain too.

If you are heartset on an auto you can get some fantastic used guns in your price range. You will have to shop around. Vist every place near you! You never know where your first gun might be hiding. Since people are getting a little hard up for money the pawn shops might have some safe queens waiting on you. :thumbsup:
CZ, Kahr, Kel-Tec, have their particular followings and I don't think you can go wrong with either one.

You've mentioned the Glock 19 but at this point in time, $$$ is the deciding factor. I know, been there myself but at the dealer in my neck of the woods, they had lay-aways which was great! This is the one that I now CCW.

Maybe you've seen this before somewhere, but just in case, here's someone doing a thousand round dump on a G.19.

Part I

Part II

Hope you find what you're looking for and Enjoy!
Thanks for the responses.
I was looking at the ruger p89. That seems to be in my price range, what do you guys think about it?
the ruger P-95 is $300 new here
There is also the kel tec P11 and PF-9 That would be affordable. Although I am not sure on the size as it is difficult to tell just from the pictures. Any thoughts on those ones?

I seem to have trouble finding revolvers that are cheap. I am using mainly gunbroker.com, is there a better site that I should be looking at? I know that eventually I have to go to a gun shop and look, but I want to do some research before I go.
The SP101 does look nice, but I would have to shoot it to make sure that it would work for me. And I can't seem to find it for cheaper, but I may just be looking at the wrong places.

Have you found that you get the best deals ordering on the internet, or from an actual gun shop?

Ruger makes excellant products. Some have said that early Ruger 9 MMS were ugly and clunky, but they worked well. You cannot go wrong with a Ruger, any of them.

I normally find the best deals locally, pawn shops can be great places for gems. I have found several of my current firearms in them. But take someone who knows handguns with you, to make sure you do not buy someones junk, you can get bit if not careful.

Most local gunshops ahve an added benefit, layaway. I used layaway with my first two handguns, it was a good way to go for me when money was short.
Thanks for the response. I do not really care what it looks like, to an extant of course, but the ruger's don't seem to bother me. I like performance more than looks.
I guess it is time to go check out some of the local gun shops.
Good advice above. And I second the advice about the Rugers. You just can't go wrong.

I'm a fan of KelTec's. I own several. Great dollar value but I wouldn't recommend one for a "first gun" if it's to get a lot of range use. They're made for defensive carry and shooting at combat distances (i.e. arms length!!) They're not really accurate and aren't made to handle thousands of rounds at the range.
Here's the latest offer from Ruger. . .a 13 some ounce .38 SPL revolver with a polymer fire control housing.

< Ruger LCR > Price is a bit steep for this one. Guess it's making its debut at SHOT.
if grip is a factor as you mentioned, I would stay away from wheelguns unless you're willing to spend the dough to install a beefier grip.
plus, for some reason, you'll get the itch for an auto pretty soon, so why not just get an auto right off the bat?

I have owned Kel-tec and would not buy one again, nor would i recommend it. I dont think the quality is there. :thumbsdow
Taurus is okay.:eek: (I have owned those too)
CZ's are good
Honestly, whomever said that you should use layway and get a Glock had the best idea so far. I would get the 23 instead of the 19 (40.cal packs more punch in the same package, if you read about 9mm ballistics, makes a difference when your life is at stake)
you can pick up a "pre-owned" Glock 23 for a good price, just shop around.
My gun collection is much bigger than my light collection, so I speaketh from experience. Glock is a great choice.
My preferred carry guns is my Glock 27, but I also use S&W .38spl airweight snub nosed because its super easy to tuck away.
You may also want to consider a Steyr M series (I would get 40 cal honestly, I would feel better protected)
Steyr is an excellent pistol. I picked one up at a gun show recently. It feels great in the hand, shoots very well, excellent quality, and the price is excellent too.
happy huntin
Thanks, I have one more question, but I guess this may be more of a legal question.

I am from California, but am now attending school in Utah, but my drivers license and stuff is all california. So would it be possible for me to buy the gun here in Utah, or would my CA drivers license not allow that.

I was just wondering because it is easier for me to buy the gun here and have my dad reimburse me than it is for my dad to buy it and send it here and deal with all of the paper work.

I can't help you with the legallities of the western states.

BUT, I have 2 Kel-Tecs. They are great little guns, a PF9 and a P3AT. But they are purely carry guns. They are not a lot of fun to shoot and, due to the very small size, they tend to be difficult to shoot with precision. 3 to 7 yards only. Great for SD, not much else.

I have a Glock 19. Yes a .40S&W has a bit more power, but not that much more. And ammo is a heck of a lot more expensive, especially for range use. Any threat I can't stop with 16 rounds of 147 gr HP out of a Glock 9mm I'm highly unlikely to stop with the same number of rounds from a .40. And 9mm ammo is a bunch cheaper for range time.

Ruger. What can I say? Mine is a KP90, .45 ACP. What a joy to shoot. But it's HEAVY. All the P series Rugers are heavy. But boy do they shoot. They say you can throw a Glock in the mud, pick it up and keep shooting. The Ruger you can throw in the mud, run over it with a tank and then pick it up and keep shooting. The accuracy and precision of the Ruger is as good as you will find in any handgun straight off a production line. In other words, it's a lot better shot than I am, or, most likely, you are. It'll feed and shoot whatever you want to shove in it, proper caliber of course, very simple to field strip to clean and just generally a great gun. All the P series are.

But my Ruger, due to size and weight, will never be a carry gun. That's why the KTs and the Glock. And I do love my 19. It'll be my primary carry, with the 2 KTs as secondary and BUGs.

JMNSHO &, of course, YMMV
I stopped by a local gun shop today and saw what their prices were. They had new P-95 for around $320 to $330. They also had two baretta 92f for $330 and $350. Both were used of course, and the cheaper one looked very used, but it probably still worked well enough.

I also found out that since I do not have a Utah license I would not be able to purchase a gun here, even though I am living here 9 months out of the year. So I would either have to have my dad buy it and gift it to me, or get a Utah license and buy it here and have him reimburse me. I have a feeling that it will be more expensive to buy a gun in CA, but I would have to look at the prices.
So we will see what happens.

GlassStream15 : Thats what I was thinking about the .40 vs 9mm. The 9mm ammo is cheap which is important when I am a college student. And I have not seen that much difference in power between the two. I don't think that this would be a carry gun, which is why I am not too concerned about weight. This would be more of a gun to shoot for fun at a range or out in the desert.
Suggest you search the BATF and state law websites for correct info regarding legal purchase of handguns. Don't rely on i'net or coffee shop advice. That being said, I'm pretty sure it's not OK for a dealer to sell a handgun to an outofstate buyer. Longgun yes, handgun no.

Re: KelTecs. I partially agree with cruisemissle -- the build quality and fit and finish of KT's don't even approach that of Sigs, Colts and such. But Mr. Kelgren designed and produces them for a specific market niche -- concealed carry and personal defense at a price point that most people can comfortably afford. I love my tweaked Commander but I carry the KelTecs.

Whatever you decide, you probably should do it pretty soon.

Now, more than ever, join and support the NRA and your local affiliate.

edit - camper, we posted at the same time. I just checked my Blue Book and that's a ballpark price for the Beretta's. For what you want to do, that would be a great gun. I'd try to get a return guarantee and then maybe have and independent gunsmith check it out.
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