Newly Enlightened
I currently own a Wolf Eyes 10W 123X H.I.D. I like the smaller compact size of this light, but need more throw. Can anyone suggest a small H.I.D. with super throw?
Microfire and Wolfeyes still seem make the smallest HID lights but they all have OP reflectors. To get more throw you'll either need to get a light with more power, a light with a smoother reflector, or both. When you increase power it normally means a larger battery and therefore a larger light. There's no free ride. The question is, what size light is still going to be acceptable?
A couple of suggestions:
The AE lights all have very good reflectors and narrow beams. The Xe20W is still relatively compact but will produce more light and throw farther than what you're currently using.
If you absolutely have to keep it tiny, then I'd suggest the Mac's mini or mini-mini HID. They're small but will have great throw due to the high quality electrical components and more obviously,the excellent reflector.
The other small light pick would be the Jil Eznite 10W hid. These also have many of the features that a custom has including the best electrical components and the best reflector available. The light body has some awesome machining and the beam can be collimated by the user of optimum throw.
Of these lights the 20W will provide the most impressive output and throw will the other two will still be a big upgrade from what you're using now.
Good luck.
I would like the H.I.D. to be smaller than my Wolf Eyes 10W 123X. I saw the Mac's Mini, which looks quite nice, but i'm not sure if this unit is still available. Do you have any other suggestions on mini H.I.D.'s preferably with a smooth reflector?
I'd like to see more compact sized HID's. Unfortunately, it seems like right now the money is in crappy little LED lights with their pathetic blue output and not in R&D for handheld HID's. I'd love a mini with 4200K output, but at this point it seems like we're lucky to see any at all. :sick2:
mac's mini HID with FM's Deep reflector? :devil:
Thanks guys for all your help! I'm reading up on the Mac's mini and Jil Eznite, as these seem to be my best options. I'm leaning towards the Mac's mini as i understand that the head of the Eznite is fragile.
If you look at a Mac mini, I highly recommend some of the Pachmayr "Pac-Skin" in 5 x 20 size--perfect fit for MagD. Otherwise those little suckers are sometimes hard to hold onto....not to mention the comfort temp in cold winters.
Yes, the Jil Eznite was the other one. The poster after me also mentioned it and provided a link. Because of the size of light and requirement for a smooth reflector you've pretty much limited yourself to one of these two lights, which is fine because they're the best.
Microfire makes a series of smaller 10W HID's called the Terminator series,
but they're not up to the quality standards of a Mac's mini or the Jil Eznite. Unfortunately the both of these lights are a little difficult to get a hold of. You'd have to watch the CPF Market Place and keep an eye on the Customs and Mods forum to find one. You might also send CPF member BVH a PM and see if he is still interested in selling his Eznite. He made mention of it a while back.