I found in a solar light 1200mAh AAs. That made sense since solar panel charging them is small, so it does't generate enough electricity to charge more than that.
Today I was looking at a Motorola talkie walkie that never worked properly from day one. It has a 3 AA NiMH pack. I took a closer look - 650 mAh?!?!?!
Just for curiosity I ripped out once cell and put it on BC900 test, only 250mA discharge. It tested 764 mAh!?!?!
Clearly the batteries are too weak causing talkie walkie to fail. This happened before with an older model using NiCds instead.
Why on earth would anyone make NiMH AAs below 1Ah????? Is there really a significant cost difference for 650 mAh as opposed to say double, 1300 mAh???? Why would Motorola kill their product's performance with such feeble cells when there are plenty of higher capacity choices. Even LSDs are 3x higher capacity.
I've seen plenty of products with weak batteries that cause short run times. However this is the worst. It takes no time before radio starts to reset.
Today I was looking at a Motorola talkie walkie that never worked properly from day one. It has a 3 AA NiMH pack. I took a closer look - 650 mAh?!?!?!
Just for curiosity I ripped out once cell and put it on BC900 test, only 250mA discharge. It tested 764 mAh!?!?!
Clearly the batteries are too weak causing talkie walkie to fail. This happened before with an older model using NiCds instead.
Why on earth would anyone make NiMH AAs below 1Ah????? Is there really a significant cost difference for 650 mAh as opposed to say double, 1300 mAh???? Why would Motorola kill their product's performance with such feeble cells when there are plenty of higher capacity choices. Even LSDs are 3x higher capacity.
I've seen plenty of products with weak batteries that cause short run times. However this is the worst. It takes no time before radio starts to reset.