low-cost solar garden lights


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 3, 2009
Ottawa Ont. Canada
I just thought to start a discussion about solar garden lighting, what's new, good, or not-so-good.

For sure there is a lot of low-priced junk out there, which does not hold up long, maybe not even one year. OTOH there are some reasonable good ones out there at decent prices e.g. $10 or less.

To be sure, most of these produce only small amounts of light, good for a bit of local illumination, as "markers". None are not going to save enough energy to pay for themselves. I estimated one small lamp taking 75-100 years to break even, at current line costs! But they are convenient, moderately useful, and fun to test out, and just to look at.

Usual disclaimed, this is not product endorsement, just opinion and personal experience.

I just picked up an amazing metal/glass filament LED lantern from Home Depot for around $5 (reduced price). These are bulk packaged i.e. stuck into a cardboard base, almost no instructions or specs. It runs on 1AA NiMH; solar panel is about 4 sq. in. of crystaline silicon (mono- I think). The light is quite bright (14 lumens) and with a good days' sunlight this time of year (at 45 degree latitude and non-optimal aiming) will last at least 3-4 hours, then drops to dim for a while longer.

I may try to get a night shot, regrettably my phone camera does not do justice to it.


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Aug 26, 2005
I've not played with solar outdoor lighting in years, but it traditionally was a lot of promises with very little performance. I know it's change A LOT since then.

One of my neighbors has a bunch of them in a single planter. After the hurricane they'd bring them inside to light up the condo then set them outside the next day. They used to have them along their pathway, but never put them back out, so now she has a "light plant" going.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 3, 2009
Ottawa Ont. Canada
On the left is flickering solar light from Dollar Tree for $1.50. Unlike another of
similar appearance, it uses a single self-flickering 5mm amber LED. Cell is 150mA NiCd
which sounds low, but light holds up well over the night. Effect is not totally realistic,
but overall good for the price!

On the right is an amazing little RGB colour-changing light from Giant Tiger ($1 each
in pack of 10). This one held up outside over the winter, also has been dunked a few times
in water and dried out, still OK. It uses a 40mAh NiMH button cell, which sounds low, but
holds up overnight with a good dose of sunshine.

