Lucky I had a Light!! :)


Newly Enlightened
Jul 10, 2004
Melbourne Australia
Just wanted to share a rather amusing incident from last night.

My girlfriend and I were going to watch a movie and we parked in a little alley near the cinema. The alley was not lit, but there was enough ambient light around, and there was enough light coming from both ends to generally see were you were going. We could see the texture of the ground, but not really details.

Basically, I didn't need to use a flashlight, but of course, I pulled one out for fun. hehe.. I wasn't pointing it at anything in particular, just roughly aimed it in front of us. Now I didn't see anything out of the ordinary but my girlfriend, who was on my left, suddenly let out a scream, and jumped over to my right side and was clutching me really hard!

I pointed my light down towards the left, and on the ground, only a few feet away, was a really large dead rat! Not only was it dead, but it was pretty gruesome too (not sure how much explicit detail I can go into here.. hehe). It looked like maybe a car had run it over quite recently (for all we know, it was our car..).

If she hadn't spotted it in the sidespill from my light, she might actually have stepped on it/tripped over it (it was quite large). LOL, ok I know it's a little mean to be laughing, but it really was quite funny when I think back about it.

So yeah, she was saying I had to share this little story as another good reason to carry lights around. So your partners don't step on dead animals! :):twothumbs

Good stuff, I was using my Jet-u to stumble my way back to my car in a massive parking lot by the beach today... I see the value of a light. Too bad it has no throw...

I know what you mean!

YOu even get to play the hero with your light!

Haha... Actually we call that alley 'Rat Alley' now. We went back yesterday to watch Harry Potter, and we were like: "We're going to park in Rat Alley again!" hehe..

The rat is now much flatter than when I first saw it, and I am now unable to identify the head or legs... nasty stuff.. hehe..

I was using a Fenix P3D. I actually had a bunch of other lights on me as well, but the P3D is one of my newest, which is why I wanted to use it. :)
My wife, two kids and I just moved into a house with, as we found out, an infestation of rats and mice.

We got them under control within a couple of days - we're down to the last one or two now.

I spent a lot of time the past few days with a flashlight, peering into gaps in the basement. Now my wife suddenly needs a flashlight at night.
My wife, two kids and I just moved into a house with, as we found out, an infestation of rats and mice.
We got them under control within a couple of days - we're down to the last one or two now.
I spent a lot of time the past few days with a flashlight, peering into gaps in the basement. Now my wife suddenly needs a flashlight at night.

Maybe that's the solution if your spouse doesn't like you buying so many lights.

Get half a dozen rats, and all your troubles will come to an end ... :D

In the UK, on average, no person is more tham 40 meters away from the nearest rat!
Ewwww, I don't want to think about that >_<.

We had an infestation of mice in our attic recently, atleast they weren't rats... the exterminator had a pathetic Mag 3D with a sickly brown beam too!
In the UK, on average, no person is more tham 40 meters away from the nearest rat!

I'd believe you on this! Recently I had to corner off my kitchen to catch a mouse (ok not really a rat, but same family!) that had been running around in my London flat. He only came out at night when no lights were on so my L4 got some good use. I finally caught him and took him down the street and let him go... but then a week later he showed up again! He died under my couch shortly after, though... I must've given him a heart attack.
In the UK, on average, no person is more tham 40 meters away from the nearest rat!

I work in Manhattan. The most expensive co-ops are near the water, in Southern Manhattan. There is an absolutely beautiful and romantic spot that I know of. It's surrounded by these co-ops..... and sometimes you'll see a rat bigger than a poodle run by!

My co-op in Queens costs less and is cleaner. :twothumbs
In terms of infestations, mice are worse than rats. They are harder to get rid of and, I was informed, actually carry more disease. Rats, being smarter, tend to leave when the food source dries up. Still so would I, if the wife stopped feeding me.

I just believe that everyone should have a pocket knife and a flashlight on them at all times. I can't understand why anyone would not.
I just believe that everyone should have a pocket knife and a flashlight on them at all times. I can't understand why anyone would not.

Ditto with the flashlight, you wont be able to catch me without atleast 1 (usually 2) lights with me. As for a pocket knife, I can see the potential uses, but I have never carried one as EDC and probably never will as in the UK we have very strict laws over that stuff...

Not quite sure how I'd explain it if I got stopped and searched by a cop for any reason.
Not quite sure how I'd explain it if I got stopped and searched by a cop for any reason.

That's the thing, here in America; an Officer has to have probable cause to search a person. And, even in NYC, your reason of carrying a small knife as a utility knife is often good enough.

I remember reading a few years ago of an elderly grand-mother who was threatened by 2 young punks on an English bus. She pulled out a Swiss Army Pen knife, an absolutely tiny thing; and waved it back and forth in front of the punks. They got scared and fled. When she reported what happened to a police officer, she got arrested! :shakehead
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That unfortunately is what this world is coming to, when the one who defends themself from the attacker is arrested, and the attacker is not.

Around my area the cops are friendly but patrol often on some nights because of anti social behaviour. I have been stopped twice at night when by myself. Once was because I was carrying a very large 3 D cell luxeon light and they wondered why I had it (seriously... apparently it looked like a weapon to them in the dark before they examined it) second time was because it was late and they wondered if I was OK walking by myself at 2AM. Both encounters were friendly and I do actually appreciate that we have a presence at all unlike in some areas where it's hard to get a cop when you need one.

Im not sure if it's legal to carry a small folding knife without a very good reason otherwise I would.
I work in Manhattan. The most expensive co-ops are near the water, in Southern Manhattan. There is an absolutely beautiful and romantic spot that I know of. It's surrounded by these co-ops..... and sometimes you'll see a rat bigger than a poodle run by!

I also had an office in downtown manhattan. When i worked late nights I had to figure out a special route to walk to my car so that I would not have to see these poodle sized rats.

My friends thought I was nuts until I ran across a book that stated the bigest rats in NYC are in downtown manhattan.

Great book to check out