Lumens Factory P7 head for SF M-series


Newly Enlightened
Mar 13, 2008
The UK
Hey guys, I've just seen this on Litemania's site.
According to the description, it's an M-series fitting head sporting a P7 led. Drive current of 2.5-2.8A should mean that this would be a nice replacement in terms of brightness for the KT4 with maybe an LF HO-M6R.

Haven't been able to find any details on the LF website, only saw this on Litemania's new english site. A search on CPF also came up with nothing for me, so apologies if this has already been covered.

Just bought myself a Taclight TX3 with an MC-E, so probably will not be buying this head as it pretty much fills the same role. Looks nice and beefy though.

EDIT: Just noticed there's a thread about LF LED modules already. Should this be there or is it ok since we're not talking drop-ins anymore?
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Hi Chongker,

Yes, it is a new product and we have not uploaded the details of it on our website yet. It should be released in a few weeks and we will upload all the details then.



Cool, so these are real LF products? Was kinda worried when I couldn't find any information elsewhere. Might look into getting one in the future, pending reviews of course.