LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...


Nov 9, 2005
I've been playing with this combo for a few days now, and all I can say is WOW. What a wonderful lamp and great batteries.

AWs R123s (protected) seem to come off the charger at 4.18V (ultrafire 2 channel charger) every time.

The LF HO-9 draws 1.55amps when the cells are fresh, this is after letting the current settle down for a few seconds. This is right on the borderline for safety with these cells (1.5 is technically the maximum safe discharge rate, 3% more shouldn't make it or break it)

I wanted to know how much runtime I would actually have with this setup, and if it would be enough to want to use this setup as a day-to-day tool.

I decided to do this in 5 minute intervals with rests. I don't want to overheat the cells or melt the flashlight or anything. (doing tests in a brinkman maxfire.

at start: 4.18V open circuit, 1.55A

5 minutes: 3.90V open circuit, 1.50A
batteries slightly warm(not hot at all), some noticeable dimming after the first few minutes, but still good bright and whitish. Lamp is hot.

10 minutes: 3.81V open circuit, 1.50A
again, slightly warm batteries(not hot), not much dimming in this interval (things seem to level off here).. Lamp VERY hot, going to give it a longer break this time...

15 minutes: 3.70V open circuit, 1.47A

20 minutes: 3.63V open circuit, 1.45A
you start to notice more dimming in this region, light is becoming orangy rather than white. still plenty bright for most uses though.

23 minutes, 48 seconds: shutdown, open circuit ~3.2V after shutdown. was able to squeeze out a last current test at 1.36A. gets noticeably dimmer and orange in these last few minutes.

The cells performed pretty good at this load (2C). nearly 600mah capacity till shutdown.

I wasn't expecting this to last over 20 minutes, I was hoping for better than 15, so I'm happy!

hope this is useful to someone interested in this setup!
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

Thankyou. I wanted to know all of that info.

Seems like a very nice small set up. Kind of like the P91 for a 2 cell light.

Do you have any other lamps that you could roughly compare the brighness to?

Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

I've been considering this exact setup over the last few days. Your post is very timely!
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

So this LA is a direct replacement in the Maxfire? If so, I may have to pick one up, as this combo would be a very bright, cheap set-up.
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

it's not a direct replacement- It's a 9V lamp, so it really won't run on the 3V primaries the maxfire was intended to be used with, but 3.7V rechargables work great with this lamp..the reflector assembly that comes stock with the maxfire unscrews easily from the head of the light, and most D26 style tactical lamps will drop in and work without and trouble.
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

Last night I used an old Laser Products (Sure-Fire) P90 in my older Sure-Fire C3 with a couple of AW's 17500 Li-ion cells. Been using this setup at work at night. I can't recommend it highly enough!

Seems to me like more or similiar brightness to a P61 on fresh primaries and at that brightness level for much longer, with more throw and a longer runtime.

Walking around the buildings last night I was practically blinding myself everytime I accidently shined it near something reflective. Color temperature is excellent, makes the Streamlight SL20X in the office look orange and weak by comparison even when it's fully charged.
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

Has anyone tried the LF EO-9 with R123s? Presumably the EO-9 would be even brighter than the HO-9 (at the expense of runtime) but would it demand too much current from R123s and overheat/wreck them?
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

EO-9 would probably NOT be noticeably brighter on R123s, but would probably be noticeably oranger, and would take hit on runtime. The safety of such a setup is also very questionable as well. 2x17500 is the sweet minimum for the EO-9... I'd like to see some 18340 cells with ~1AH capacity someday. this would let us run lamps like the EO-9 in a 2 cell form factor (bored out in some cases). The current 16340 cells really don't hold up to high power lamps well, and should be used in a manner respective of their limits for your safety.
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

I have actually tried the E0-9 with two of the new hi-current protected R123s. The EO-9 powers up on a single click even when the cells are half-depleted. The beam is very respectable and I would say quite white. However, I wouldn't recommend using the R123s this way for extended runtime. Short burst for wow factor ( less than 30 seconds each burst ) use only.
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i might have to give that a try, hehe... thank you for the insight AW!

question for ya AW: would you consider it *safe* to use that setup so long as it was only used in short increments like that? I use these high powered lights for usually no more than a few seconds at a time for address spotting and quick looks around the yard... I always like to play it on the safe side- with protected cells, and never pushing the limits of lithium... orrr... would it be best just to stick to the HO-9?
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Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

I was thinking of trying this in a Wolf Eyes 6-series. 380 lumens out of something that small would be quite a head-turner.
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...


If you can really refrain from using this setup for only a few seconds each time, I would say it is safe. These batteries are rated for 6C pulse discharge ( 2 second / 30 second interval ).

Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

mdocod said:
it's not a direct replacement- It's a 9V lamp, so it really won't run on the 3V primaries the maxfire was intended to be used with, but 3.7V rechargables work great with this lamp..the reflector assembly that comes stock with the maxfire unscrews easily from the head of the light, and most D26 style tactical lamps will drop in and work without and trouble.

So besides changing batteries, the LA is a simple swap into the Maxfire? I already have a bunch of 3.7V protected RCR123 cells, so if thats the case looks like I need to take a trip to WallyWorld!

Were are you guys buying these LA's from?
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

I put the EO-9 380 lumen lamp in my Wolf-Eyes 6V Sniper body with two unprotected rechargeable 123 size cells. It works great (not noticeably less bright than when used in a bigger body with bigger cells) but to me it seems like too much load for those little cells. I put the EO-9 back into a 9v Raider body with 2 of AW's earlier protected 18500 cells where it is uber bright and nothing gets hot with it turned on for five minutes.
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

DM51 said:
Has anyone tried the LF EO-9 with R123s? Presumably the EO-9 would be even brighter than the HO-9 (at the expense of runtime) but would it demand too much current from R123s and overheat/wreck them?

I have ran the EO-9 with unprotected rcr123's and it works great. The only problem is runtime stinks (less than 15 minutes). I'm going to bore my 9P and get some Wolf Eyes 150a's (1400mah capacity). I'm now using it with 150b's and it works quite well! I would just like a little more cell capacity. I do not want to extend my 9P though.
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

So besides changing batteries, the LA is a simple swap into the Maxfire?-Strauss

YUP!, you can basically consider the maxfire a host for D26 size lamps.. It's very simple to remove the stock reflector to make room for an HO-9.
Re: LumensFactory HO-9 + AWs protected R123s... awsom combo.. runtime and other tests...

I couldn't resist, I dropped in a P91 to see how well the cells do...

amazing. I only ran it for a few seconds, but wow.. almost as bright as on a pair of 17670s (the difference is hard to notice really unless you had 2 lights side by side).. I can't believe these cells can deliver that kinda power...

hey AW- how bout some 18340 size cells!!! 1AH, with a 4C rating! pull some strings?
Bryan said:
I'm going to bore my 9P and get some Wolf Eyes 150a's (1400mah capacity). I'm now using it with 150b's and it works quite well! I would just like a little more cell capacity.
Bryan, I think the 150A is still at 1200 mAh. Can anyone confirm?
Paul_in_Maryland said:
Bryan, I think the 150A is still at 1200 mAh. Can anyone confirm?

Hi Paul, according to the PTS website, they are 1400mAh while the 150B's are 1000mAh. Sure, it's not 2200mAh like the longer cells, but it's still a little better than what I have now, and I will not have to extend my light (which is far more important to me).

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