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lunasol in use


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 21, 2003
Eastern Pacific, LAX DM03 sw actual
Hi guys I just got back from a cross country trip. I normally EDC several lights on these family trips.
This was different. I brought the Lunasol 20 as well as a couple of single AA lights with me. The Kid got the aa light whenever she needed a light.
I used the Lunasol whenever I needed light. if it was walking through North Carolina Forrest at night or reading a book the Lunasol did the trick.

As the months have passed I have now become very used to using the Lunasol. The low wide and the hi bright are absolutely perfect for MY needs.
I really can't say enough about how well this light fits into my every day use of flashlights.

I am about to depart on a 6 week trip to middle America where I will be EDCing my Lunasol 20. I will be bringing other lights with me but I do not know how they will fit in YET.

The long and the short of it is there may be lights with better highs and lows. But with the Lunasol having these two beams together in one light really has everything beat.

I really am looking forward to being on location working on a film set is why I decided the lunasol is the perfect light for motion picture work. I have been working on a show with an interior set for months now and the light fits every need I have for light. Now that I am going to be working in the field with much more exterior work to be done the Lunasol 27 may be a better light for the job. I will have mine at my side ready to work.
Either way I really want to Thank Don once again for making what for me is THE Perfect flashlight for work on the set and off inside and outside.
Thanks Don.
Thanks Yaesumofo.

This forum has been pretty quiet lately and I have been doing what assembly work I can to a bunch of LunaSol 20's in anticipation of the converters showing up one of these days; hopefully soon. I have made a very significant commitment to these lights and not having any to offer while the inventory and time invested keeps growing is a bit disconcerting. :eek:

Your comments are reassuring, to say the least.
Nice yaesumofo, glad to hear it. At present, the only McGizmo light I own is a Ti PD-S Mizer, and while I don't doubt it's abilities as an extremely useful EDC, I'm admittedly a bit afraid of dropping or damaging it somehow. So for that reason, I EDC a Novatac 120P Nat, and my McGizmo rests safely in its AOTH shark holster in my closet on my Camelbak Delta vest. If I'm lucky enough to email Don in a timely fashion once his newest run of lights becomes available, my opinion of EDC'ing a McGizmo may change, being that I'll have a spare.:cool: In the meantime, here's me crossing my fingers.
all of Yaesumofo's post regarding the Lunasol convinced me to get one, and i'm gald i did. I edc a ti-pd-s, but at night when i walk the dog i take the Lunasol and thats whats in my hand.

I too am hoping to jump on the next waves to pick up more lights. It makes me feel better to have extra lights , like its ok to abuse the one in my pocket because i have an extra one at home.

I must admit that the Lunasol 27 feels much better in my hand than the Ti-pd-s. For that reason i'm also hoping to find an S27.

Thanks once again for making incredibly uselful lights!:thumbsup:
While Drops do happen and pocket clips scratch against things from what i've seen and done over the years to my Ti McGizmo's you can rest assured damaging it will prove to be quite a task indeed. Unless a hairline scratch or two is damage you can sleep well at night knowing that if you indeed damaged it to the point of critical destruction/failure uhhmm wellll>>>>>>>> If you were EDC'ng it at the time of damage you/me would no longer be around to see the damage to the light!

EDC it, you'll love it much more than you do now>>> and i'm sure its a lot!

You can do it and have plenty of support in this forum!

take care bro

Nice yaesumofo, glad to hear it. At present, the only McGizmo light I own is a Ti PD-S Mizer, and while I don't doubt it's abilities as an extremely useful EDC, I'm admittedly a bit afraid of dropping or damaging it somehow. So for that reason, I EDC a Novatac 120P Nat, and my McGizmo rests safely in its AOTH shark holster in my closet on my Camelbak Delta vest. If I'm lucky enough to email Don in a timely fashion once his newest run of lights becomes available, my opinion of EDC'ing a McGizmo may change, being that I'll have a spare.:cool: In the meantime, here's me crossing my fingers.
Thanks for the advice, even more than dropping it, I'm a bit leary of Ti screws holding clip on, loosening over time and wobbling out holes like has happened all too often in the case of my EDC knives. Have there been any reported issues of this happening? Since Don's only got one more slated run of the PD-S, if I were to not email in time and the body on mine would have worn out holes, I probably wouldn't be able to replace it. Am I just being too precautious?
Thanks for the advice, even more than dropping it, I'm a bit leary of Ti screws holding clip on, loosening over time and wobbling out holes like has happened all too often in the case of my EDC knives. Have there been any reported issues of this happening? Since Don's only got one more slated run of the PD-S, if I were to not email in time and the body on mine would have worn out holes, I probably wouldn't be able to replace it. Am I just being too precautious?

Yes. I've stripped the heads trying to get the clip off. Those screws are tight with absolutely no wobble on any of my lights. I agree with the earlier post...use your McGizmos.
I'd better chime in. The LunaSol is the perfect EDC for me, although size constraints keep a Ti Nautilus on my hip most of the day. The LS light is perfect for me. I like the 27 head size too, which is why I bought a 27 PD a while ago. Great feel! The newer LS27 has a smoother feel than the older 27 PD. I think Don is getting better with age! And the amount of (Mc) gizmos that he crams into the heads is freaking unreal! Great light, and you will appreciate it more if you EDC the thing.

Nice yaesumofo, glad to hear it. At present, the only McGizmo light I own is a Ti PD-S Mizer, and while I don't doubt it's abilities as an extremely useful EDC, I'm admittedly a bit afraid of dropping or damaging it somehow. So for that reason, I EDC a Novatac 120P Nat, and my McGizmo rests safely in its AOTH shark holster in my closet on my Camelbak Delta vest. If I'm lucky enough to email Don in a timely fashion once his newest run of lights becomes available, my opinion of EDC'ing a McGizmo may change, being that I'll have a spare.:cool: In the meantime, here's me crossing my fingers.

Simple: Take the light outside. Skid it down the driveway 3 or 4 times. Put it back in your pocket (the one with your keys in it). Feel a sense of peace and relief wash over you. No more worries!! :twothumbs
Simple: Take the light outside. Skid it down the driveway 3 or 4 times. Put it back in your pocket (the one with your keys in it). Feel a sense of peace and relief wash over you. No more worries!! :twothumbs

That is some solid advice there :D :D
That's both a funny and totally insightful response;), but I think I'll pass on the special 'driveway' treatment:laughing:. Try telling that to the Ti collectors in my neck of the woods, arewethereyetdad and griff.
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-mofo, whereabouts in Central America are you visiting?

I am going to the central portion of the USA.

Guys. In the time I have owned both a lunasol 20 x2 and a Lunasol 27x2 I have never dropped any one of them.
My mode of carry virtually eliminates any drops.
I have my edc mounted on a lanyard which lives around my neck.
The light is right where I need it and is safe very safe to boot. It is also out of the way.

All of that said. I have absolutely no doubt that any one of my lunasols could easily take a fall directly to the bezel with no deforming and would have very small marks.
These lights were made to be used not made to sit in some case somewhere. hell it would be more at home in your hardware drawer or in a tool box than in a case sitting around somewhere.
Trust me there is very little any of us can do to one of these lights that would cause it damage. OK place it on some busy railroad tracks or run it over with a tank (over concrete) and damage will likely occur. Titanium is a very tough material. For sure. Don't let that lunasol live a live unused.
Hey if you are that worried buy 2 so you have one user and use the hell out of it. The only problem with this is that you would likely NEVER go to the "backup" /spare unit.
Go ahead and break it out USE IT.
I do and couldn't be more happy.

All of that said. I have absolutely no doubt that any one of my lunasols could easily take a fall directly to the bezel with no deforming and would have very small marks.

My wife was using my LS27 one night picking cherrys and she dropped it from about 25 feet onto dirt/gravel.....hardly a mark, and it hit on it's head. :twothumbs pez
I have been EDC'ing my LS20 every day now since I received it, and my appreciation for, and opinion of, this light have only increased day by day. There is no "perfect" EDC in my opinion--it's not in the nature of the thing--but for my needs the LunSol 20 is very close, having the most intelligent and useful combination of design choices and compromises to hit highest on the best-EDC scale. Of course, it's obviously a matter of personal preference: some would want more output, less runtime, or a single AA form-factor, or whatever. But, I would say that the LS20 represents one local-maxima of EDC design parameters.

I love this light. It's that simple.

Thanks, Don!
Oh, and add 1 vote from me to the "USE IT" column.

Even if you do drop this light, it's not like you are going to chip off a big huge flake of HA and ruin the aesthetics. You'll get a small inconspicuous mark on it. That's it. And just think of that as the first in a long series of small marks that will eventually become: the patina.

Use it.
Another great post yaesumofo. I have had a hard time deciding whether I want to get a PD-S or the LS20. I would love to get both, but due to my budget I shouldn't even buy one. These types of posts lean me in the direction of the LS20, but when I go back and read older threads I lean towards the PD-S. I guess you can't loose either way you go. :grin2:
As far as i know from what had been documented here nobody lost a light from a misfunction of the light itself. Usually, through what one would call theft or carelessness. The only reason why i seen this go in for warranty is the converter but it is extremely reliable so all that does is to show how bullet proof the whole package is.

As far as the Ti PD-S or LS20 it appears that the PD-S is at its maturity and the LS20 is at its infancy. Though many prefer the PS-S now who knows who the top dog will be 6 months or a year from now:shrug:

Good thread. Glad to see the action in the McGizmo forum again.
Yes, I agree it's meant to be used.
I carry and use my LS27 everyday, but I don't want my light to get lots of scratches and marks and whatever.
So, I carry it in the pouch (around my neck, in my pocket, in my bag,,,,,,,,) so LS27 is in my pouch when not in use.
I made the pouch myself with thick old curtain fabric that's not in use anymore, using my sewing machine.
It looks sloppy, but provides good protection for my LS27. :)




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