Luxogen LR12 McR17XR Cree flupic mod


Sep 5, 2004
Eng, UK
What you need:

1. McR17XR
2. Cree XR-E P4
3. Flupic board
4. heatsink (sanded down penny or i used a spare luxeon star HS)

replace old board with flupic

solder the -contact to the inside of the brass lip

Sand down HS and drill 2 holes for wires then AA epoxy everything down

Drop everything in(lens, reflector, module)

Notice how deep the McR17XR relfector is(15mm:) )

left: P1Dce max right: luxogen burst

At first i was worried about the heat generated but after thinking about it heat goes from the emitter HS to the brass can which makes contact with the lip of the battery tube and lastly to the rest of the body via the threads. hope that made sense:)
After using it, it ran ok and got warm pretty quick on burst but ill keep it on 600ma for now. thanks for reading.
Damn, this mod seems brighter than the P1D-CE, I haven't used my LR12 ever since the thin o-ring was broken......
Thanks guys:) this mod really brought the luxogen back to life! measures 137lumens on burst. Ive also notice how similar the beam is to a surefire U2

Left: U2 right: luxogen
Cool, so even if the McR-17XR is deeper, is it a direct replacement for the stock reflector ? It looks like it does... Now I'm tempted to do my small CR2 lights too :)
Yep no modding needed, because the McR-17XR is 15mm deep yet only 17mm wide:) the only probelm with this mod is that there is very little room inside so the module was made as small as possible.
Was that using a regular battery?!!! It couldn't have been. I thought the flupic only worked as long as the battery voltage was higher than the led voltage. Maybe i'm confused. I know my u-bin lux3 LR12 on RCR2 is very bright.
kevinm said:
What size Flupic did you use?

It's the 0.6 inch/15.24mm Fenix sized board. You will likely need to sand the edges of the board down a bit in order for it to fit into the brass ring. Should take less than a minute.
Thanks Kenster!:)
Yes lumenhound is right, i used the fenix size board.
This light is running on RCR2 li-ion, a primary 3v can be used but it direct drives.
Great mod, I've been looking for more CR2 based torches. Where can you buy the Luxogen LR12 from? Are they still available anywhere?
I bought mine from CPF member waion awhile back. You may check out to see if they have any stock left
Thanks for the links guys. I see has them too.
What I'm thinking of is modding with the SSC P4 LED and using RCR2 battery, has anyone tried this yet?
Shouldn't be too hard to do with one of the black colored Luxogen LR-10 models. Remove the stock Lux lll emitter and install the SCC P4 in it's place. The slug on the SCC P4 emitter is not electrically neutral so you will need to use Arctic Alumina Thermal Epoxy when mounting the new SCC emitter to the stock emitter board of the LR-10 in order to prevent a short circuit.

The LR-10 relies on good physical contact between the top edge of the emitter board and the bottom of the stock metal reflector for heat removal. The reflector side wall transmits the heat to the bezel and into your hand.

Here is a picture showing the stock emitter board, disregard the Cree XR-E.


The optimal focus height of the original emitter is slightly higher than that of a SCC P4 so in order to fine tune the SCC for tightest hotspot you may have to remove a very thin layer off the bottom of the stock reflector by placing some fine sandpaper on a flat level surface and rubbing the reflector against it.

If you keep the stock boost converter board and run a protected RCR2 it will not damage the boost converter should you ever wish to run a regular CR2 in it and the RCR2 cell will get the SCC going very nicely direct drive.

If you want multi-levels and other features then the FLuPIC is the way to go.

You can find step-by-step FLuPIC installation instructions for this model flashlight in this post from last October.
Wow Great post, thanks for that LumenHound ! You appear to be the Luxogen LR-10 expert. When I get some time this is one mod I must do. Again thanks for posting all that info.