M2R Warrior not working properly from occasional use after 2 years


Newly Enlightened
Jul 20, 2018
Ottawa, Canada
Up front, I realize that Olight will more than likely have to replace the light, but I would like an idea as to what you all may think the underlying cause may be.

I bought an M2R Warrior back in the summer of 2018 from the "big river site". I don't use the light all that much, so only have recharged it maybe 4 or 5 times since buying it, even though the battery probably didn't need it. Back last summer, I used it while I was doing some work in the basement and it seemed to work just fine. However, I don't recall using the turbo mode as the lower modes worked fine for what I was doing.

A month or two ago, I was playing with the light and found it wasn't able to go much higher than 250 lm (just an estimation) and turbo didn't seem to work at all. I had tried to recharge the battery several times, but the magnetic charger always showed a green light, but still no change in light levels (now I have to say, that on occasion, the light would go bright for a fraction of a second, then settle back down to a lower lumen level and flicker every once in awhile). A couple of times, even the led on the side switch would briefly show red then go out.

I contacted olightworld.com and sent them a video and described what was happening. It was determined that I needed a battery replacement that was shipped out to me, no charge.

I got the new battery this week and after charging it up (charger starts out red and after 7 hours, went green), the light now only goes to moonlight setting or 15 lm and it doesn't attempt to go brighter (the same thing happens when I use the original battery as well). The new battery looks slightly different (green wrapper as opposed to a black wrapper on the original) but I chalk that up to an updated version. All specs look to be the same. The side switch led no longer shows red for either battery.

Now, the question is, that after changing batteries, thorough cleaning, recharging etc., what do you think the cause may be? I contacted the original agent at Olight (using the same email thread that was first started) and am waiting for an answer, but it may be on pause at their end for awhile, due to the mini-warrior recall. Again, the light will more than likely need to be replaced but I am curious as to what the cause of the problem would be and if anyone has come across this issue with these "new style" complicated, high output lights.
Up front, I realize that Olight will more than likely have to replace the light, but I would like an idea as to what you all may think the underlying cause may be.

based on your story, a component on the driver is bad

I dont think you did anything to cause it
sometimes electronic parts have defects

Olight first eliminated the possibility of a bad battery, and sent you a free replacement.
that was good customer service, and a reasonable way to eliminate the battery as the issue.

I would ask for a refund, not a replacement
Olight determined it is a PCB failure so they sent me a new M2R Warrior. I certainly can't complain about that. Not to mention, I now have three perfectly usable batteries to boot.