M3T vs M4

signal 13

Jun 28, 2008
M3T vs M4

Recently I've stopped using rechargeables for my duty lights. I've been using the M3T/MN16 because I just love the higher*output. It just sucks that the MN16 runs on 9 batteries per hour! That's more than the M6 runs on the low output lamp. After thinking about it I decided it would be better to run the MN60 in an M4. The MN60 is $3 cheaper (from Surefire anyway) and only runs on 4 batteries per hour at 225 lumens (same as the MN16).

So I recently bought another M4 body which will give me more options. I love the look of the M3T, but the M4 can be run in all the M3T configurations if needed (with a dummy battery). And you'll get longer runtime with th M4 if you decide to throw a couple of 17670s in to run the MN15 or the MN16 as opposed to 17500s. Plus, it slips in and out of duty pants pockets easier with it's smooth body.

Just some stuff to consider for LEOs or anybody trying to decide between the M3T & M4...*
I'm curious as to why you've stopped using rechargeables in your duty light. Do you get free cr123a's at work? Or is there some other reason?

I've had several AW Li-Ions die on me and even an IMR18650. No explosions or anything crazy, they just stopped working after a short amount of use. I was using a Pila IBC charger and never drained the batteries. But maybe I was leaving them on the charger too long, or...? It was probably something I was doing wrong, not quite sure what. If I decide to buy more I'm going to invest in a DMM to make sure I keep those cells healthy!
I've had several AW Li-Ions die on me and even an IMR18650. No explosions or anything crazy, they just stopped working after a short amount of use. I was using a Pila IBC charger and never drained the batteries. But maybe I was leaving them on the charger too long, or...? It was probably something I was doing wrong, not quite sure what. If I decide to buy more I'm going to invest in a DMM to make sure I keep those cells healthy!
Die on you as in the battery no longer holds a charge properly or as in the light stopped working with the batteries in it?
Die on you as in the battery no longer holds a charge properly or as in the light stopped working with the batteries in it?

When I went to turn the light on a it came on really dull, like the batteries drained almost completely, but I knew I hadn't run them completely dry. I went to throw them on the charger and the Pila IBC light flashed indicating the cell was no longer any good and it would not charge.

Happened with an AW18500 and an AW18650 so I assumed the PCB went bad. So I switched to IMRs and then same thing happened.:confused:
Using Pila charger? :confused:

Well, I use a WF139 and I'm always checking my batteries with my DMM. No problems until now. About use primaries, I also always try to use bulb that allow me to change from rechargeable to primary. My favorites are the 9v ones. :thumbsup: So I can go with rechargable, and if, perchance, something unusual to happen or they run out, I can use the primaries that I always bring along.

I've had several AW Li-Ions die on me and even an IMR18650. No explosions or anything crazy, they just stopped working after a short amount of use. I was using a Pila IBC charger and never drained the batteries. But maybe I was leaving them on the charger too long, or...? It was probably something I was doing wrong, not quite sure what. If I decide to buy more I'm going to invest in a DMM to make sure I keep those cells healthy!

That doesn't sound normal. AW's cells are pretty reliable if treated right. I'm wondering about the charger....
That doesn't sound normal. AW's cells are pretty reliable if treated right. I'm wondering about the charger....

Yeah that's what I thought but I got a bit discouraged and decided to go back to primaries only. If it's the charger overcharging or something like that, maybe that's what is killing my cells quickly. Gotta get me a DMM!
I'd try another charger. I currently use a Tenergy Micro-Controlled Li-Po/Li-ion Balance Charger w/ LCD Display (Item Number: 01200) http://www.tenergybattery.com/index...facturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=27

This allows me to charge up to 4 li-ion / IMR cells independently at 0.2 - 2.0A charging rates. It displays each cells voltage throughout the charge. I have a custom cradle that accomodates 16340 to 26650 cells.
The Pila is a good charger, but it might be malfunctioning. I would try to figure that out first before purchasing a new charger. It might be a warranty issue. You do need a DMM though!
M3T can also run as an M4 with a cell extension tube :) so if you don't want the M4 size, you can chop it back down to a M3T.

Its all about options and that why I like SF :)
I suspect that your difficulties with the rechargable cells may have been a malfunctioning charger and not the cells themselves. A cheap DMM (like $10) would answer a lot of questions there.

FYI, MN16 on 2 18500's measures right about 500 lumens, it's down to around 200 on primaries.

My "fun" light is a Z3T bored for 18500's (basically a M3T), i use the heck out of it. WF139 charger has never failed me. When i'm away from home i always keep primaries just in case though...
I'll be runnin the MN16 again soon on 2x18650s in my new mdocod M6 2x18650 adaptor (awesome adaptor BTW)...

Might even run it on 2x17670s in my M4...

Gotta get a DMM first though!