M6 Lanyard Issues?


Newly Enlightened
May 8, 2009
My M6 suffered a little damage a while back and I would like to know if others have had issues with the lanyard failing to stay clipped?

I had just finished an hour walk when I came home and decided to move my motorcycle ahead a couple feet before going in. I thought I could grab the left grip while still holding on to the light. That didn't work so well and the light fell from my hand. I had the lanyard secured to my wrist, but the light fell straight to the cement with the lanyard still hanging from my wrist. :faint: The bezel and the tailcap now have some healthy sized dings in them and I get heart broken looking at them.

I called Surefire and explained to them what happened and they gave me an RMA. They said they thought they could do something about my dings. I sent the light out with the lamp and batteries removed. I get the light back today with an MN20 installed along with all the dings I sent it out with. :thinking:

Now that my story is over, has anyone ever had their M6 lanyard fail to stay secured? I've had issues before where I've gone to adjust the cord on the lanyard, thus pulling it taught, and having the clip just pop right off the ring around the body. I don't understand how it happens. I could never replicate it after attaching it to the ring again. It's like some kinda frustrating magic trick.

I've never had any issues with the lanyard comming unclipped on the KT2/3x18650 Leef light I built (Surefire lanyard). It would be nice to have a few people say the same thing in case Surefire says I did something wrong. I called them today and said they would call me back tomorrow.
Common thing. Hard to believe you can't replicate it, since it happens so easily.
That clip should only be used on the lanyard ring on the L1 or A2, or other lights(non-SF) whose attachment points don't allow the clip to twist. The old spring clip it replaced was smaller, cheaper, simpler, and worked fine. I didn't like it either, but it worked.
SF has no business putting that clip with any of the "wire" ring lanyard kits, as its failure is not just possible, but inevitable and frequent. I banged up the bezel on a C2-HA by the clip failing twice(both times the light fell bezel-first onto concrete) the first few times I carried it.
Remove the clip, and replace it with a split ring. You'll have to remove the lanyard ring if you want to take the lanyard off, but at least it will remain attached to the light when you need it to.

I'd call them back and ream somebody's *** if I'd paid shipping and got the same light back.
Here's links a couple of other threads, since you're wanting info by tomorrow. I'm sure there are others, but these are ones that I posted in, so they were easy for me to find.
Tell them to send me a Z44-HA while you're at it.

"Surefire lanyard clip self releases":

"C2 Tradgedy"(sic):
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I don't understand how it happens. I could never replicate it after attaching it to the ring again. It's like some kinda frustrating magic trick.

oh man...I've experienced a few other strange brain teasers like that in life. I don't mean to laugh but the way you stated that was funny to me since I can tell you'd really like to figure it out. How annoying to use your lanyard and think you're safeguarded and then have it do nothing. Sorry that your light was damaged too.

I don't typically use that surefire clip but judging from ellum's post it sounds like a well known problem when combined with a thin metal ring. With regards to the split ring, you can still get a semi-quick detachable arrangement by just running one end of a closed loop lanyard through the ring and then pulling the other end through the top loop. Not much is lost in speed or convenience by getting rid of the snap this way. The other method is to get rid of the tailcap ring an just wrap a loop around the lanyard loop around one of the deep cooling fins, then running the lanyard stop up close to the light.

I would definitely call Surefire back and ask them what the deal is. It's almost comical to have them instruct you to send the light in and then get is back in the same condition. Sure it was an accident but the damage occurred because of the failure of their snap, ring combination. Be sure to send it back with a bulb next time otherwise you might throw them for a loop again. Also, I would type up a short letter explaining the lanyard problem and resulting damage, then send it in with the light.
Yep - this exact same thing has happened to me multiple times as well. Fortunately I was able to avoid any major drops and subsequent dings though. I have ended up just looping the lanyard cord directly through the wire lanyard ring and avoiding the clip altogether in some instances to avoid this happening.
Good deal! I'm glad to know that it wasn't my incompetence that caused this problem. I got ahold of Surefire at 1:00 their time and the rep said he hadn't talked to the guys in the repair shop yet. He did call back at around 5:00 (their time) and left a message on the machine saying to call him back to discuss what could be done.

Regardless, I know own an FM27 beam cover and will secure the lanyard without the troublesome clip. I'll let you know what I find out on Monday.
Yeah, I ditched all my SF spring clips. As Patriot suggested, I just loop the lanyard through the ring and it works just fine. The lanyard ring will still break away with enough force, so no worries there. I wouldn't trust the health of a $400 light to a spring loaded clip. :ohgeez:
Not only has the spring clip style lanyard self-released, but the attachment ring itself broke at the weld. After two months SF replaced the ring.
I had the same With my M2 and a new SW02, it fall like a rock on to the concrete got some dings on the SW02:confused: I was standing there annoyed and upset. I have secured the light with a lanyard to avoid such an event and SF is the direct cause for the the failure! Unfortunately i have done nothing as I'm located abroad thinking the transport to SF shipping back, Customs etc. will be too much for me.

Sorry for your light.
i've got a dent in my previously mint KT2 from my Z3 falling off the clip in carlsbad caverns.. and just 10 minutes ago i have a dent in my wood floor from my M6 falling off.

I just installed one of RPM's bezels, it really left a mark in the floor.. haha

it's easy to replicate... http://www.3500z.com/Misc/Lights/M6 Clip.wmv

I took the clip off the lanyard and used the mini-key ring to permanently attach them for now..
Bless you for putting that video up! That shows exactly what the issue is. I tried doing this on my KT2/Leef body and could not replicate it. I have the lanyard ring positioned between the top of the body and base of the head. The loop on the ring does not protrude far enough to allow it to twist and pop off. It's as simple as Surefire designed the M6's loop too long on the ring! :oops: This of course defeats the whole purpose of a lanyard unless you like the decorative aspect of it.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I did include a type written letter detailing how the light got damaged and thanking them for looking at it even though the damage was only cosmetic. :thumbsdow
i should send them the video.. they just sent me a new ring for my M6 since the old one broke.

I'm just glad it was the wood floor and not my foot that the M6 landed on.. these RPM bezels are really sharp.. lol
I too have had my lanyard fall off a few times, and yes those RPM bezels sure are sharp!:eek:

Wow...never had it happen here, but I definitely planned on using my lanyard...glad I found this thread before I went to far...even though I have the FM27, I prefer to not let a $400+ light fall on the rocks/concrete.
Here's a pic of how I attach all my SF lanyards....and a better use for the spring clip as well:

Here's a pic of how I attach all my SF lanyards....and a better use for the spring clip as well:


Schweet! Is that just a plastic rod, or is does have a trit vial? I did the same thing, but have a Pill FOB that holds a spare on my L1...but i bet that yellow rod will show up real well with a UV light!
It does show up extremely well with a UV light, and it also has a large tritium vial in it.
Lost an M6 while watching a firework display a few years back. Lanyard clip totally failed on me. Luckily I had another M6 with me :twothumbs so it only took ten minutes to locate it. Never used the clip again, just tied the cord on to the ring
Called Surefire back today and they're sending me a new head and tailcap. WOW! :faint:

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