M60 available again!

i'm thinking of updating my 3.7v SF P6 config to 2xRCR123. I was going to go with D26-LED by LumensFactory but would a Malkoff give me better throw?
Keep in mind guys these are the regular M60 (not warm, low, etc). Got 2 already and I'm happy with mines. Do I really need 3? Hmmmmm.....
Oh noes, gotta resist! I think the beam is pretty much the same as my TK11 anyways... but god would I get another MD2/M61 :D
Finally! I pulled the trigger. Got an M2 that just SAT there for YEARS! Thanks for the link sonrider657!
Not only that, but while perusing Malkoff's site, I discovered that he'd come up with a NEW one. The M61! I've been switching back and forth in the SF M2 between the M60 and M61. Then I heard about Oveready and their bored out SF hosts. Y'see, both the M60 and M61 work on 18650 rechargeables. (The M61 is better in that configuration. Lower input voltage value.) Then I got the Malkoff MD2 Turnkey complete flashlight with Hi-Lo switch and M61 drop in. Thank God Oveready is out of bored out C2 hosts! AUUGGHH! My poor (literally!) financial balance!
But really man, thanks. I'd been waiting so long for a Malkoff drop-in after I found out about them about a year ago I'm glad to finally be able to get one, in hand. I do seem to be liking the M61 a smidgeon better however. :party:
Sounds like you may need a second morgage on your home to buy more Malkoff gear! :grin2:
A few days ago I picked up the last two M60WLF's (my personal favorite)
that Gene had left in his inventory @ $55/each. :twothumbs