M60 MC-E... Don't ask...

signal 13

Jun 28, 2008
I'm curious, I've seen quite a few posts in threads that say Gene won't make anymore M60 MC-Es "so don't ask"

Anyone know the story behind that? Because I remember the days when I could email Gene and he would handmake your dropin on request.

Are they just too much trouble to make and/or was the feeding frenzy just not worth the hassle, or...?

I REALLY want one of these for a shotgun forend light...
Wish they would get taken off the website... Just keeps rubbing it in that I can't have one and probably never will unless I can snag one off a fellow CPFer...
Edit: I wrote the following text based on k5150's reply citing the Direct Drive units. Apparently from post #3, the OP is referring to the (more common) units built with drivers, therefore, disregard the below.

From what relatively small part of the chronology that I know of, from CPF postings:
  1. Direct Drive 4-die P7's in the M60 brass heatsink were available upon request. Apparantly they performed quite well and became somewhat popular as a hotrod item for single-cell configurations. IIRC the beam quality wasn't up to Gene M's standards for him to make it a production item, but apparently the beam was satisfactory enough for some users.
  2. A customer asked for a one-off DD MC-E in the same style, one was made.
  3. When the DD MC-E was bench tested at a later date, output was less than a properly-driven MC-E unit. Apparently far too much current would go to the MC-E, actually decreasing output compared to lower currents.
  4. IIRC, shortly after that information circulated, Gene M posted his policy to not do any more DD setups. Subsequently, the street value of his DD P7 drop-ins nearly doubled for a while, from ~$55 (new) to ~$90 or so.
IMO, he wants to have 100% confidence in his products. Driverless, DD units might not have the consistency that he requires. When it's all said&done, I don't think he wants to depend on only the LED (a product he has less control over) for overall module performance.

Again, this is just my impression based on what was posted here. FWIW. :shrug:
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I'm curious, I've seen quite a few posts in threads that say Gene won't make anymore M60 MC-Es "so don't ask"

Anyone know the story behind that? Because I remember the days when I could email Gene and he would handmake your dropin on request.

Are they just too much trouble to make and/or was the feeding frenzy just not worth the hassle, or...?

I REALLY want one of these for a shotgun forend light...

It is a pity if Gene won't make these anymore. My M60 W MC-E is just awesome!! 400+ lumens of neutral light (Not warm - just perfectly natural 'day light' looking light). Great for checking the steaks on the BBQ and bush walking!!

All I can suggest is checking on the MarketPlace - they do come up sometimes - much less often thou than in the past.:(

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My thought is he probably has none of the parts on hand and doesn't want to place another order for them. Or perhaps the parts he used are no longer available. Who knows.
i really only use my m60 mc-e in a c3; i don't know how much longer runtime i get out of using it in that but its gotta be longer than 45mins...it really is a special purpose flood; i'll only use it in a particular situation...my primary flood is the m60LF...
Well I'm thinking that thanks to my post the MC-E has been removed from the site... Which tells me the Malkoff M60 MC-E has gone the way of the dinosaur...

Since I had 3 of the Malkoff MC-E's direct drive and 4 Malkoff P7 direct drive all drop-ins for my 6P's I will say whay they are possibly not made.

My MC-E's pulled 3A~3.5A at the tail with IMR 18650 in 6P hosts. Sounds good right. Well; at 416ish lumens at turn-on and drops fasts too. 350ish at 30 seconds if I recall. One particular sample pulled 4.5A at the tail.

The benefit was you could use a single IMR 16340 or IMR 18650, but the regulated version was soo much better. Gene regulates the MC-E at 2.4A and gets nearly 100 more lumens and they are steady.

416 lumens at 3.5A or 480~500 lumens at 2.4A = which do you prefer?

I think if it wasn't for Gene's awesome craftmanship (heatsink and potting) these things would have never been possible; especially considering the extreme currents.

FYI: My P7 P60's were at 350ish to 380ish OTF in direct drive mode. One (not mine) reached 418 OTF with AW C ell due to the bigger cell and bigger hosts.

I like efficient LED's, but some like rare exotics more. The good news is there is a place for us all.:D
I bet if Gene Made the XP-G R5 with a 1.4A driver he would certainly hit the 400 OTF range. Of course I would have to provide the driver, but he provides his detail and expertise...oh and nice guy too.

Maybe Gene needs a phone call:popcorn:
I should have known it had something to do with current issues or something like that. Gotta admire the fact that Gene will only put his name on something of absolute quality.
The quad die MC-E was a disappointment. The only thing it was really good for in a small P60 size head was a flood light with the diffuser in front of it. He had the regulation all worked out, built them and sold them out. I had tested the regulated units and published that data. They work great off of 2X18650's. The Wildcat with its 15 degree beam was the real replacement to that. I good hotspot, but lots of wide area lighting at 550 lumens real output at the same power and now the new one with 3XP-G's thats coming out at 750 lumens range at less total power draw will be the better overall light. So really the Malkoff M60 MC-E became obsolete. I still like my warm one and its great for interior lighting.

With the right flashlight holding mount, I can and have mounted the Wildcat on a rifle without banging the barrel and talk about a great illumination tool. Dang. The newer Wildcat II will be all the more better. Yeah it will cost more than the MC-E, but it will be worth it.
I have my P60 MCE in a VME head on my E2DL. I absolutely love it, and am very surprised they aren't available anymore!
If you want a high powered flood light in a small package, the M60 MC-E is pretty unique. My M60W MC-E is normally in my MD2 host but is switched from time to time for greater runtime into my MD3 with 2 x 17500 cells. I find the hi/low ring is expectially useful with the flood style beam - great camping light!!

The colour rendition is great with the warm version. People are amazed at the lights' ability to completely fill a room with a perfectly even beam of light that illuminates every square inch of area!

I'm keeping mine!!:nana:

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I'm also waiting for a oportunity to put my hand on one!

They are fantastic! I have a warm version that I snagged when these beauties were more commonly available. It is pure WIN!

Also have one of Gene's handmade M60 drop-ins. Got it slightly used right before the Production version hit the scene.

Everything I buy made by Gene gets discontinued. :sigh: