Mac's Mini-HID


Jun 7, 2008
I see many references to Mac's Mini-HID, questions about it and comments on it. People talk about it as if they knew all about it (and I'm sure they do). Since I'm interested in small HIDs, I've tried to find out about the beast but so far, I have failed dismally. When I google it, I get a lot of references to forum strings that I've already read and efforts to sell me a Man Mini computer. Since I'm going my googling on a Mac, I don't need another!

In short, would some-one please be kind enough to steer me to something that tells me what a Mac's Mini HID is, where it's available and/or how to make one, if that's what's involved?

Thank you.
The last page of the link given by powernoodle above has a couple of beamshot links.
There's a Mac Mini for sale right now over in BST custom and modded! Nice light!


I don't doubt you,Karl, but I can't even find anything specific to "custom and modded". There's only buy, sell or trade. I put both Mini HID and Mac Mini into the search function but no luck, Is there something I don't know about?

It would be under "sell" if you haven't found it yet.


Thanks a lot, Karl. Your link took me straight to it. I didn't expect it to be so expensive....... maybe I was naif, but I thought they went for less than $200.

I've got another light on order and I think I'll wait till it gets here and see if it does what I want. If not, I'll go back to the Mini and hope it's still there.

All the same, thank you very much for the steer.

Well, Mac's HID lights are the best custom made HIDs I'm aware of but, they work and work well so, you may want to consider that. Of course, you DO have to be a bit crazy to spend hundreds and yes thousands of dollars on lights....but then again, you ARE here now aren't you?:devil:

Well, Mac's HID lights are the best custom made HIDs I'm aware of but, they work and work well so, you may want to consider that. Of course, you DO have to be a bit crazy to spend hundreds and yes thousands of dollars on lights....but then again, you ARE here now aren't you?:devil:


I didn't see anywhere that sanity was a requirement for membership....... which is probably just as well!

The link in post #2 is a link to the original sales thread from Mac. This is helpful because the original sales price is listed there. It's a good reference for the price of resale Mini's. The asking price on used Mini's is often close to that of a new one because these lights are in demand and often scooped up my other members.