Mag-Lite drop-in using the Luxeon Rebel in early testing stages!


Feb 27, 2006
I spoke with someone from Quality Items Online Inc. today. These are the guys that make the Diamond LED brand LED drop-ins. I asked if they had any Cree or SSC drop-ins in the works. The guy said, "No.", but he did tell me that their engineers were in the very early stages of a possible Luxeon Rebel LED drop-in. He said that their engineers were playing around with a drop-in that would use 3 Rebel LEDs. I brought up how using a multi-Rebel configuration could be a problem with reflectors/collimators/optics since the Rebel is asymmetrically mounted on its die. His response was that each Rebel would have to be robotically set in place and he reminded me that a Rebel LED drop-in is still in its extremely early stages of developement.
Now that would be interesting to see how Diamond does that...I'm imagining 3 Rebels on one of their dropins right now...somehow it reminds me of those 3 5mm LED dropins that were sold on ebay. I think it could still work well in a Mag.