Magcharger, Streamlight SL-20X or ?


Aug 18, 2007
Just curious if there are any alternatives to the MagCharger or Streamlight SL-20X. I prfer the sub D with a cradle charger. I am going to send my Streamlight SL-20 to streamlight to see what they can do with it. It is really old, it is a chrome plated steel model. It will be interesting to see what they will do. I would like to build a Mag85 but the 9AA to 3D seems to be an obstacle.
Well Pelican makes a rechargeable flashlight of about the same size. M11 or M12, it uses a 4c nicad stick vs 5 1/2d stick that Streamlite and Mag uses. I don't think it's quite as bright but it has a very tight focus and really throws. There are some generic type flashlight but none that I can thing of that have a good in light charging system like those three....Well there is the 10X but that's a whole nother league.
I would take not the mag charger and not the Sl-20x.
In my opinion take the SL Ultrastinger or when you want a great LED Light the Pelican 7060. one of my favourite lights in the moment
Build yourself a Mag85. You can get awesome capacity, excellent output and really fast charging times if you use the FM 9AA to 3D adapter. Probably one of the best rechargable flashlights money can buy. If you can install batteries, bulbs, reflectors and glass windows, you can do this.
If 9AA > 3D is an obstacle, why don´t you use 3 of AW´s li-ion protected C cells? Longer runtime too. Only disadvantage is that they cost 22 USD a piece. An alternative = 2D with a Philips 5761 bulb and 2 AW´s li-ion cells.

Upgrade for MC = WA (Welch Alyn) 01160 bulb.
If you go for an MC, be sure to get a good NiMh battery like the Aero 4000 mAh.
NiMh batts have no memory (charging whenever you like) whearas NiCd batts do have memory --> if you charge it while it´s half-way discharged, the capacity drops.

my 2 eurocents
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Build yourself a Mag85. You can get awesome capacity, excellent output and really fast charging times if you use the FM 9AA to 3D adapter. Probably one of the best rechargable flashlights money can buy. If you can install batteries, bulbs, reflectors and glass windows, you can do this.

I would build one of these in a NY second if I could only find the 9aa to 3D adapter!
If 9AA > 3D is an obstacle, why don´t you use 3 of AW´s li-ion protected C cells? Longer runtime too. Only disadvantage is that they cost 22 USD a piece. An alternative = 2D with a Philips 5761 bulb and 2 AW´s li-ion cells.

Upgrade for MC = WA (Welch Alyn) 01160 bulb.
If you go for an MC, be sure to get a good NiMh battery like the Aero 4000 mAh.
NiMh batts have no memory (charging whenever you like) whearas NiCd batts do have memory --> if you charge it while it´s half-way discharged, the capacity drops.

my 2 eurocents

Now this sounds very doable!

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