Magcharger Wa1160 on 8 AA Nimh?


Jul 13, 2001
Singapore (சிங்கப்பூர்)
After selling my MC abt a year ago & missing it so much, I recently got another one (old) through a trade with a fellow CPFer (thank you!)

Since I have three WA1160 bulbs lying around unused, I tried to run one of them on 8AA Nimh with a dummy cell in the Litemania 3AA to D adapters. It works, very bright & white beam! The 8AA comprise of 4AA Powerex (2700mah) and the other 4 are Sanyo (2100mah)

The WA1160 is rated at only 5v, so it seems that I'm seriously overdriving this bulb without instaflashing, how could this be possible?? Either the adapters or the MC switch is having too much resistance?

I heard the newer MC has a lower resistance switch. Has anyone tried 8AA in their 1160?
So far, I have only ran mine with the stock battery-pack. My next upgrade will be a new power supply for sure.
Aepoc said:
yeah man put a lithium pack in there... Nickel Cadmium batteries are old school.

When the day comes that I put a lithium-pack in the MagCharger, it will be the same day that WA1160 bulb comes out :naughty:
Why... what are you so worried about. The max charge with two 18650's is 8.4v. If Xenon is running them with 8 AA NiMH thats 9.6v. As long as there's not a significant difference in the resistances between old and new MagChargers, you should be fine.

You also might be able to under-drive the bulb with just a single lithium... although you would have to do the multi-click thing... If it works it would be very yellow.

Xenon, do you know approximately the age of your MagCharger? I wonder if any serious changes were made between now and when your's was manufactured.
Aepoc said:
Why... what are you so worried about. The max charge with two 18650's is 8.4v. If Xenon is running them with 8 AA NiMH thats 9.6v. As long as there's not a significant difference in the resistances between old and new MagChargers, you should be fine.

You also might be able to under-drive the bulb with just a single lithium... although you would have to do the multi-click thing... If it works it would be very yellow.

Xenon, do you know approximately the age of your MagCharger? I wonder if any serious changes were made between now and when your's was manufactured.

The reason I would remove that bulb would be to essentially create a Mag85 using the Magcharger as a host body. If I went lithium, I would go with a custom batterypack by fivemega that houses 9x14500's and pick up a smart charger to charge the pack as a whole. I would then throw the WA1185 in and be all set. Should give me a jump from about 500 lumens > ~800 lumens. It would be very close to your 4D ROP, and run pretty flat for about 35min. :)